C++ SURF crash by flat image (Bug #68)
I tried SURF class of C++ interface, and found that it crashed by entering flat, no feature point, image.
I replaced "cvsurf.cpp" by svn version and recompiled it, but the situation didn't change.
My environment:
Windows XP
MSVC Express 2008
And error seemed to occur at line. 866 of cvsurf.cpp (in cvCvtSeqToArray()).
I attached the image which caused crash.
Related issues
duplicated by Bug #373: Bug in cvExtractSURF() | Cancelled |
Updated by Mithun Jacob about 15 years ago
I tried the following and it worked. When you try it, make sure img_path is correct.
1 // Read the image
2 char img_path[] = "neg_new.jpg";
3 Mat im = imread(img_path,0);
4 if(im.data == NULL)
5 {
6 cout<<"Unable to read "<<img_path<<endl;
7 return 1;
8 }
10 // Create the SURF object
11 const int [[HessianThreshold]] = 500;
12 SURF bug(HessianThreshold);
13 vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
14 bug(im,255*Mat::ones(im.rows,im.cols,CV_8U),keypoints);
16 // Plot the keypoints
17 const int radius = 1, thickness = 2;
18 const Scalar color(0,0,0,0);
19 for(size_t i = 0;i<keypoints.size();++i)
20 {
21 circle(im,keypoints[i].pt,radius,color,thickness);
22 }
24 // Display
25 namedWindow("Image");
26 imshow("Image",im);
27 waitKey();
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Updated by takuya minagawa about 15 years ago
Thanks for your support.
Sorry, I forgot to mention one thing.
This problem happened when I try to get descpriptor.
So in this case, please try the following code:
// Read the image char img_path[] = "neg_new.jpg"; Mat im = imread(img_path,0); if(im.data == NULL) { cout<<"Unable to read "<<img_path<<endl; return 1; } // Create the SURF object const int [[HessianThreshold]] = 500; SURF bug(HessianThreshold,4,2,true); vector<KeyPoint> keypoints; vector<float> descriptors; Mat ones(im.rows,im.cols,CV_8U); ones = Scalar(255); bug(im,ones,keypoints,descriptors); // Plot the keypoints const int radius = 1, thickness = 2; const Scalar color(0,0,0,0); for(size_t i = 0;i<keypoints.size();++i) { circle(im,keypoints[i].pt,radius,color,thickness); } // Display namedWindow("Image"); imshow("Image",im); waitKey();
Anyway, I fixed this error for myself.
In cvsurf.cpp (svn version), at line 865,
I changed
Updated by Mithun Jacob about 15 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
- Status set to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed
Updated by Piotr M almost 15 years ago
SURF crash with current SVN rev:3030.
All platforms.
Code to reproduce bug:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cv::Mat white(320,200,CV_8UC1); white.setTo( cv::Scalar(255) ) ; cv::SURF detector(200, 2, 1, false); std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keyPoints; std::vector<float> descriptors; detector( white , cv::Mat() , keyPoints , descriptors ); return 0; }
- Status changed from Done to Cancelled
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Updated by Jerry Fetcher almost 15 years ago
I am new to this forum and I wonder if there is a solution to this problem. When there is a frame with no keypoints (blank scene with all white pixels), the program crazhes with error message
OpenCV Error: Incorrect size of input array (Non-positive width or height) in unknown function, file ..\..\..\ocv\opencv\src\cxcore\cxarray.cpp, line 113
I tried proposed solutions and edited my cvsurf.cpp but none worked. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you...
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
Do I need to rebuild OPenCV on my Windows machine after I change cvsurf.cpp? If yes, how do I do that?
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
Yes, you need to rebuild, look here: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/InstallGuide
Updated by Maria Dimashova over 14 years ago
I have tested both samples (reported by takmin and piotrek) to reproduce the bug on win32 (VS2008) and ubuntu64. Using current r3907 the samples work without failing.
- Status changed from Cancelled to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed
Updated by takuya minagawa over 14 years ago
I rewrote "cvsurf.cpp" as you described, and recompiled it.
Yes, it can avoid the crash, but it seems to have some memory leaks.
I input flat images to SURF again and again, and watched the memory by Windows task manager. Then I found that memory usage was increasing.
please check it. I guess you forgot to release memory when no key points were found.
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Updated by takuya minagawa over 14 years ago
Maybe, I found the solution for memory leak.
I rewrote the line 728 - 33.
changed from:
if ( N == 0 ) { // no key points found; nothing to do return; }
if(N==0) { // no key points found; cvReleaseMat( &sum ); if (mask1) cvReleaseMat( &mask1 ); if (mask_sum) cvReleaseMat( &mask_sum ); return; }
Updated by Maria Dimashova over 14 years ago
What revision do you use? I have not described to apply https://code.ros.org/trac/opencv/attachment/ticket/68/surf-crash.diff. Please, update OpenCV revision that you used to r3907 or higher (from trunk).
I also tested memory leaks in r3907 using sample
int main()
cv::Mat white(320,200,CV_8UC1);
white.setTo( cv::Scalar(255) ) ;
cv::SURF detector(200, 2, 1, false);
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keyPoints;
std::vector<float> descriptors;
detector( white , cv::Mat() , keyPoints , descriptors );
return 0;
There are not memory leaks now. Probably your problem was in opencv 2.0. Later it has been fixed - I do not know in which revision exactly, I have tested r3907. Now it's ok.
- Status changed from Cancelled to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed