anonymous -
- Registered on: 2012-02-12
Reported issues: 0
- 11:29 am OpenCV Bug #562 (Done): wrong indices used in Haar feature detection and elsewhere
- Yes, I noticed this too -- as early as version 1.0. I've never seen anything
really bad happen because of it, but it...
- 06:51 am OpenCV Bug #591 (Done): Critical errors with static linking
- Can somebody fix the problem?
- 04:36 pm OpenCV Bug #569 (Done): chessboard-detector test failed
- Duplicated on cygwin: it occurs somewhere in the warpAffine function (I don't have a debugging build, so this is as c...
- 07:35 pm OpenCV Bug #593 (Done): cvConvertImage null pointer err in Python call
- Added in r3710. Includes regression test.
- 04:04 am OpenCV Bug #593 (Done): cvConvertImage null pointer err in Python call
- Surely that line gui.cvConvertImage should be cv.ConvertImage. Unless you are mixing old and new Python bindings?
- 08:45 pm OpenCV Bug #583 (Cancelled): mingw32 SSE/SSE2 instabilities
- I haven't tried compiling on latest_test_release, just trunk. Would it be helpful if I tried that?
- 10:32 pm OpenCV Bug #558 (Done): CvANN_MLP::calc_output_scale: scaling issue
- Oh, and here is my patch.
golgi:src eunyokim$ svn diff
Index: ann_mlp.cpp
- 09:24 pm OpenCV Bug #561 (Done): Window QT - cv::addText does not work
- Thanks, I'll confirm when I rebuild later.
Can I make a request? That for display overlay there is an option to ac...
- 07:41 pm OpenCV Bug #558 (Done): CvANN_MLP::calc_output_scale: scaling issue
- 07:49 pm OpenCV Bug #541 (Done): QT - Bug with region of interest selection
- Yes, you guess correctly ^^. Will see if I can fix that later :D
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