takuya minagawa

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2015-07-10


Reported issues: 3


08:02 am OpenCV Bug #1099 (Done): dilate() and erode() can't run with 1 width element


02:57 pm OpenCV Bug #210 (Done): FLANN save/load
I encountered the same problem. I could avoid this problem by changing flann.cpp from:...


08:15 pm OpenCV Bug #68 (Done): C++ SURF crash by flat image
Maybe, I found the solution for memory leak.
I rewrote the line 728 - 33.
changed from:...
07:40 pm OpenCV Bug #68 (Done): C++ SURF crash by flat image
I rewrote "cvsurf.cpp" as you described, and recompiled it.


07:44 am OpenCV Bug #76 (Done): Infinite Loop? findHomography() never finish its calculation on Linux
I found this could happen frequently, so I changed the priority from major to critical.
Anyway, I attached more exam...


03:03 pm OpenCV Bug #68 (Done): C++ SURF crash by flat image
Thanks for your support.
Sorry, I forgot to mention one thing.
This problem happened when I try to get descpriptor....
10:16 am OpenCV Bug #76 (Done): Infinite Loop? findHomography() never finish its calculation on Linux


07:47 am OpenCV Bug #68 (Done): C++ SURF crash by flat image

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