Maria Dimashova
- Registered on: 2012-01-30
- Last connection: 2013-10-16
- OpenCV (Commander, 2012-01-30)
- OpenCV Extra (Developer, 2012-07-25)
Reported issues: 28
- 11:11 am OpenCV Bug #3326 (Open): Problem with retrieving frames from h264 video [Linux Ubuntu versus Windows 7]
- 06:08 pm OpenCV Bug #3324 (Cancelled): Считывание c IP-камер на 16 ядерном процессоре
- 06:08 pm OpenCV Bug #3324 (Cancelled): Считывание c IP-камер на 16 ядерном процессоре
- Alexey, next time please write in English. Even if almost all OpenCV team speak Russian, OpenCV users also follow iss...
- 03:20 pm OpenCV Bug #3323 (Cancelled): compilation failure in VS 2012
- Thanks for the bug report!
I'm almost sure you've fixed compilation for you. So could you please create a pull reque... - 03:16 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3322 (Done): Updating STAR detector and FREAK descriptor to work with large and/or 16-bit...
- 03:15 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3322 (Done): Updating STAR detector and FREAK descriptor to work with large and/or 16-bit...
- +1 Please create a pull request with your suggestion.
Anyway you also should add tests for 16-bit and update the doc...
- 10:37 am OpenCV Bug #3316 (Cancelled): Why CV_RETR_CCOMP and CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE has a private access in Imgproc
- CV_RETR_CCOMP and CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE are constants in old C-style of OpenCV. In the future old style will be disa...
- 10:24 am OpenCV Bug #3317 (Cancelled): camera compatible with OpenCV
- OpenCV Willow wiki has been closed. But all the content was exported and we just need to convert it to our sources (e...
- 10:16 am OpenCV Feature #3321 (Open): Convert opencv willow wiki to doc.opencv
- 10:06 am OpenCV Bug #3320 (Cancelled): CLAHE is not consistent with variable image size
- Thanks for the report!
Could you please suggest the changes to get consistent results with varying image sizes and c...
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