Jerry Fetcher
- Registered on: 2012-02-12
- Last connection: 2012-11-26
Reported issues: 0
- 08:35 am OpenCV Bug #227 (Done): CV_CAP_PROP_FPS returns always 0
- Did someone find a solution for the ineffectiveness of cvSetCaptureProperty? I am using it but it does not change teh...
- 08:28 am OpenCV Bug #142 (Done): v4l2 capture: setting frame width and height does not work
- I can see that this problem has been solved (fixed) and it is closed. But I cannot see how it is solved.
- 04:49 pm OpenCV Bug #373 (Cancelled): Bug in cvExtractSURF()
- You can also check Ticket #68
The reason is when there is a frame with no keypoints (blank scene with all white pixe...
- 10:36 am OpenCV Bug #68 (Done): C++ SURF crash by flat image
- Hi,
I am new to this forum and I wonder if there is a solution to this problem. When there is a frame with no key...
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