GenericDescriptorMatcher::clear() clears only key-points (Bug #982)

Added by Nobuyuki Shimazu almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:
Priority:Low Due date:
Assignee:Maria Dimashova % Done:


Target version:-
Affected version: Operating System:
Difficulty: HW Platform:
Pull request:


1st, add() features to descriptor matcher.
2nd, clear() it.
3rd, When re-add() features, it raises std::vector error ("vector subscript out of range" in VC++2010).

GenericDescriptorMatcher::clear() does trainPointCollection.clear().
GenericDescriptorMatcher::KeyPointCollection::clear() does keypoints.clear() only.
I think it needs to clear "vector<Mat> images" too.

exploitGenericDescriptorMatcher_clear.cpp - sample code (1.3 kB) Nobuyuki Shimazu, 2011-04-05 05:17 am

Associated revisions

Revision fa640084
Added by Maria Dimashova almost 14 years ago

fixed #982

Revision 5bb6d366
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge pull request #982 from pengx17:2.4_fix_two_bugs

Revision 13cd0a05
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4'

Original pull requests:
#996 from jet47:gpu-nvcuvid-libraries
#995 from jet47:fix-bug-2985
#999 from snosov1:unreliable-results-fix
#1005 from alekcac:doc_fix
#1004 from jet47:fix-bug-3068
#987 from jet47:bug-3085-fix
#969 from pengx17:2.4_binary_cache
#929 from dominikrose:mingw-libdc1394-2-windows
#1000 from ivan-korolev:fix_sift_bug_2892
#1001 from ivan-korolev:fix_stitching_bug_2405
#998 from asmorkalov:android_cmake_mips_fix
#993 from ivan-korolev:fix_videostab_bug_3023
#988 from snosov1:3071-fix
#986 from pengx17:2.4_initiated_context
#982 from pengx17:2.4_fix_two_bugs
#981 from SeninAndrew:ximea_camera_support_fix
#991 from asmorkalov:android_javadoc_fix
#972 from jet47:mog2-params-bug-2168
#980 from SpecLad:include-config
#973 from pengx17:2.4_oclclahe
#903 from aks2:2.4
#968 from asmorkalov:android_na_cproj_fix
#971 from SpecLad:matchers-ctor
#970 from asmorkalov:dshow_valid_check_fix
#965 from apavlenko:fix_java_empty_mats



Updated by Nobuyuki Shimazu almost 14 years ago

clear() won't go well, so I re-create descriptor matcher.

Updated by Nobuyuki Shimazu almost 14 years ago

Additionally speaking, in my sample code includes some macros.
It defines some SURF parameters, because default parameter of some classes has inconsistency.
It's also bug, I think.

Updated by Nobuyuki Shimazu almost 14 years ago

(sorry post repeatedly) In this sample code, I can get error with two or more images (specify as command-line argument).
One image goes well(!?)

Updated by Maria Dimashova almost 14 years ago

Fixed GenericDescriptorMatcher::KeyPointCollection::clear() in r4978. Please, check that your problem was fixed and reopen the ticket if not.

As regards SURF parameters, used default values are not a bug.


  • Status changed from Open to Done
  • (deleted custom field) set to fixed

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