.../opencv/modules/core/src/glob.cpp will not compile (Bug #3256)

Added by Phillip Shelton over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Status:Cancelled Start date:2013-09-10
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Alexander Smorkalov % Done:


Target version:3.0
Affected version:branch 'master' (3.0-dev) Operating System:Windows
Difficulty:Easy HW Platform:x64
Pull request:


I am not sure if it is a bug in the RubyInstaller DevKit, GCC, or OpenCv.

I have installed DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe

it supplies the following compiler,

D:\usr\opencv\release>gcc --version
gcc (rubenvb-4.7.2-release) 4.7.2
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

I have an up to date source of OpenCV as of 5/09/2013 9:40:51.

After running cmake and make, the process gets as far as compiling glob.cpp in core.

the first working lines in glob.cpp are

#include "precomp.hpp" 
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE
# include <windows.h>

precomp.hpp includes emmintrin.h via cvdef.h with the following code,

#if defined __SSE2__ || defined _M_X64  || (defined _M_IX86_FP && _M_IX86_FP >= 2)
#  include <emmintrin.h>

However windows.h includes intrin.h via winnt.h

These two files include the same function definitions, however one does it with C linkage and the other does it with C++ linkage.

To get glob.cpp compiled I commented out emmintrin.h. It did compile, but I can not help feeling that I cheated.

out.txt - compiler output. (224.3 kB) Phillip Shelton, 2013-09-10 02:42 pm

Associated revisions

Revision 322593e8
Added by Alexander Alekhin over 10 years ago

Merge pull request #3256 from vbystricky:oclopt_BFMatcher


Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Vadim Pisarevsky to Alexander Smorkalov

Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago

  • Priority changed from Blocker to Normal
  • Target version set to 3.0

Updated by Phillip Shelton over 11 years ago

The solution will look something like the following.

cvdef.h will need the following addition

#if defined SSE2 || defined _M_X64 || (defined _M_IX86_FP && _M_IX86_FP >= 2)
+ #include <intrin.h>
+ #else
#include <emmintrin.h>
+ #endif

then in the configure stage cmake will have to determine which of intrin.h or emmintrin.h, windows.h includes and set WINDOWS_USES_INTRIN accordingly.

Updated by Vladislav Vinogradov over 11 years ago

  • Description changed from I am not sure if it is a bug in the RubyInstaller DevKit, GCC, or OpenCv. I ... to I am not sure if it is a bug in the RubyInstaller DevKit, GCC, or OpenCv. I ... More

Updated by Anna Kogan over 11 years ago

  • Affected version changed from branch 'master' (2.9) to branch '2.4' (2.4-dev)
  • Status changed from New to Open

Updated by Anna Kogan over 11 years ago

  • Affected version changed from branch '2.4' (2.4-dev) to branch 'master' (3.0-dev)

Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago

I do not find any forcing to C or C++ language in OpenCV code, so it looks like a compiler issue. I cancel the ticket.

  • Status changed from Open to Cancelled

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