Vladislav Vinogradov
- Registered on: 2012-01-26
- Last connection: 2013-12-15
- OpenCV (Developer, 2012-02-12)
- OpenCV Extra (Developer, 2012-07-25)
Reported issues: 6
- 09:12 am OpenCV Bug #4381 (Cancelled): OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (invalid device pointer) in unknown function, f...
- Please provide full code example, that demonstrates the issue.
- 10:50 am OpenCV Bug #4313 (Cancelled): Errors in cuda optical flow computation
- It is not a bug, it is expected behavior.
The error message contains a hint:...
- 04:08 pm OpenCV Bug #4343 (Done): cv::cuda::findMinMaxLoc incorrect output for single row matrix
- The pull request with fix was merged.
- 01:17 pm OpenCV Bug #4343 (Done): cv::cuda::findMinMaxLoc incorrect output for single row matrix
- 11:32 am OpenCV Bug #4343 (Done): cv::cuda::findMinMaxLoc incorrect output for single row matrix
- 03:08 pm OpenCV Bug #4315 (Done): invalid result of GPU bitwise_and with mask
- The pull request was merged.
- 12:30 pm OpenCV Bug #4315 (Done): invalid result of GPU bitwise_and with mask
- 12:22 pm OpenCV Bug #4315 (Done): invalid result of GPU bitwise_and with mask
- 07:56 pm OpenCV Bug #4197 (Done): [CUDA] ambigous symbol error
- Yes, renaming helps. I submitted new pull request with the fix : https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/3712
- 08:08 am OpenCV Bug #4197 (Done): [CUDA] ambigous symbol error
- I was able to reproduce this issue with VS 2012. It seems that it is VS specific issue.
I will investigate this issue.
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