Alexander Smorkalov
- Registered on: 2012-03-12
- Last connection: 2015-04-02
- OpenCV (Admin, 2012-03-12)
- OpenCV Extra (Developer, 2012-07-25)
Reported issues: 82
- 03:17 pm OpenCV Bug #4240 (Cancelled): imwrite in android opencv 2.4.10
- The default color image layout for Android is RGBA. The default layout for OpenCV color image is BGR. Java bindings a...
- 03:36 pm OpenCV Bug #3050 (Cancelled): FASTFeatureDetector incorrect parameter description in documentation
- OpenCV team saves binary compatibility between releases in 2.4. It means that we cannot change functions signatures. ...
- 08:43 pm OpenCV Wiki edit: GSoC_2015 (#16)
- 11:44 am OpenCV Bug #3463 (Done): OpenCV4Android Windows build instruction has mistake
- 11:43 am OpenCV Wiki edit: Building_OpenCV4Android_from_trunk (#13)
- 09:33 am OpenCV Bug #3747 (Done): OpenCV Manager hardware detector does not work on Samsung Galaxy 5s
- 09:33 am OpenCV Bug #3747 (Done): OpenCV Manager hardware detector does not work on Samsung Galaxy 5s
- Workaroud for device unblock merged into 2.4.
- 01:10 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3705 (Done): params.setRecordingHint(true) breaks camera preview on Samsung Galaxy S2
- 12:53 pm OpenCV Bug #3723 (Cancelled): jmemnobs.c missing
- 2.4 and master branches contain different versions of libjpeg and both of them are ok at least for desktop and Androi...
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