Alexander Alekhin

  • Registered on: 2014-04-23
  • Last connection: 2015-12-16



Reported issues: 0


12:01 pm OpenCV Bug #4492 (Cancelled): Native camera does not work with Android 4.3 on Samsung Note III SM-N9005
11:58 am OpenCV Bug #4491 (New): Windows build stiching needs cudawarping
If you have build problems then clean build dir and try to run cmake with "-DWITH_CUDA=OFF" parameter.
If CUDA is di...


05:17 pm OpenCV Bug #4488 (Done): Unreasonable code in cv::String::String(const std::string& str, size_t pos, siz...
01:53 pm OpenCV Bug #4449 (New): issues revealed with Clang static code analysis | profiling
Do you observe real problems except pedantic compiler messages?


12:38 pm OpenCV Bug #4485 (Done): features2d's BRISK, ORB and AKAZE break at detectAndCompute()
I can't reproduce this problem (Linux x64, without OpenCL device):...


05:43 pm OpenCV Bug #4461 (Open): OpenCL allocation failures in unit tests
12:18 pm OpenCV Bug #4460 (Done): RGB2Gray ushort specialization not defined for SSE2 && !SSE4_1
12:01 pm OpenCV Feature #4465 (Open): calcHist should handle parallel operations for small images better
Current implementation of calcHist contains TBB only optimization under "#if HAVE_TBB"
Need to verify existed parall...
11:56 am OpenCV Bug #4469 (Open): TBB threads not managed properly when called from multiple threads
These functions use "parallel_for_" in implementation. You can try this list:
- cv:threshold
- resize (nearest neig...


05:49 pm OpenCV Bug #4485 (Done): features2d's BRISK, ORB and AKAZE break at detectAndCompute()
Does it work for you with "cv::ocl::setUseOpenCL(false)" (place it as a first statement in the main)?

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