Java instructions (Bug #3486)

Added by antonio sesto about 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Status:Cancelled Start date:2014-01-14
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:antonio sesto % Done:


Target version:2.4.9
Affected version:2.4.8 (latest release) Operating System:Mac OSX
Difficulty:Easy HW Platform:x86
Pull request:


The page at is wrong.

You write:

Note Windows users can find the prebuilt files needed for Java development in the opencv/build/java/ folder inside the package. For other OSes it’s required to build OpenCV from sources.

Please say something where one is supposed to find the jar file. Is it this one? <opencv_dir>/bin/opencv-248.jar

Associated revisions

Revision 0f7721e9
Added by Alexander Alekhin over 10 years ago

Merge pull request #3486 from Chuanbo-Weng:repeat-perf


Updated by Alexander Smorkalov about 11 years ago

  • Category set to documentation
  • Target version set to 2.4.9
  • Difficulty set to Easy

Updated by Andrew Senin about 11 years ago

Hello Antonio,

Thank you for reporting the problem. Do you think you could work on a solution on your own? Your contribution to the OpenCV repo (see would be very appreciated!

The file with the tutorial is located at doc\tutorials\introduction\desktop_java\java_dev_intro.rst

  • Assignee set to antonio sesto

Updated by Andrew Senin about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Open

Updated by Steven Puttemans almost 11 years ago

Actually I do not see a reason to adapt this. If you download the prebuilt windows package from sourgeforce and install it, then inside your opencv directory, browse to the build folder, then to the java folder and there the opencv-248.jar file is located, just like the note illustrates. I do not think we can add anything to make it more clear.

I will cancel the bug, feel free to reopen if you disagree on my remark. But I think it is kind of waste to leave this open.

  • Status changed from Open to Cancelled

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