JavaCameraView delivers same frame twice (Bug #3123)
I created an android application based on difference image. Every secound difference frame has no difference. Finnally i found a problem in JavaCameraView class.
In method initialzeCamera() the JavaCameraFrame class will be instantiated:
mCameraFrame = new JavaCameraFrame(mFrameChain[mChainIdx], mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight);
this object will now always use the Mat from mChanIdx 0.
In CameraWorker Thread the deliverAndDrawFrame method alaways gets the mat stored in mFrameChain index 0 because mCameraFrame gets no update about the new frame if mChainIdx has value 1.
if (!mStopThread) {
if (!mFrameChain[mChainIdx].empty())
mChainIdx = 1 - mChainIdx;
We propose to update the mCameraFrame object with the current Mat in the onPreviewFrame method.
Thank you!
Associated revisions
JavaCameraView delivers same frame twice (Bug #3123) fixed.
Updated by Christopher Schott over 11 years ago
I found the same issue.
Thank you!
Updated by Maria Dimashova over 11 years ago
Daniel, thank you for the bug report!
If you know the problem and propose a solution, the fastest way to push it into OpenCV is to open a request for (the instruction for this is here). Could you please create such request?
Updated by Daniel Schlick over 11 years ago
Hi Maria,
thank you for your answer. the request should be pulled.
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
Solution without object construction on every frame. IMHO, it must be faster.
- Pull request set to
- Affected version changed from 2.4.5 (latest release) to branch '2.4'
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Open
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Done