Documentation of ORB (Bug #1835)
There is not explained the new features added to ORB detector and descriptor. Also, there are not explained which matcher should be used with which score and so. I am really confused, how can I match the ORB features now. I know that in the original ORB description was based on BRIEF, so I used Hamming distance to compare them. But in the new one, there are 2 types of "score".
Related issues
related to Bug #1832: cv::ORB assertation | Cancelled | 2012-04-21 |
Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky almost 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Vadim Pisarevsky
Updated by Rui Marques almost 13 years ago
The ORB docs say the following:
the score is written to KeyPoint::score
But I think KeyPoint::response is used and not 'score'.