Adam Babinec

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-07-19


Reported issues: 7


11:01 am OpenCV Bug #2376 (Done): non-const argument in cv::gpu::ORB_GPU::downloadKeyPoints


04:21 pm OpenCV Bug #1835 (Done): Documentation of ORB
04:09 pm OpenCV Bug #1832 (Cancelled): cv::ORB assertation
Well, so, finally I found the bug. It was in my program, as I was using BFMatcher with crosschecking, but I called kn...
10:41 am OpenCV Bug #1832 (Cancelled): cv::ORB assertation
After the further inspection I found out, that the assertion is in fact caused by BFMatcher with Hamming distance and...


04:58 pm OpenCV Bug #1832 (Cancelled): cv::ORB assertation
04:46 pm OpenCV Bug #1831 (Done): GPU_ORB bug


10:35 pm OpenCV Bug #1618 (Done): Wrong ORB constructor in documentation
03:02 am OpenCV Bug #1614 (Done): StereoBM - misleading documentation


03:52 pm OpenCV Bug #1575 (Done): Suspicious cvTriangulatePoints

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