Rui Marques

  • Registered on: 2012-03-19
  • Last connection: 2014-06-11


Reported issues: 11


01:51 pm OpenCV Bug #3657 (Open): Bundle Adjuster in the Stitcher module is not converging with a high number of ...
Hello Iacopo Masi,
I am a bit confused by your last statement, you say "has been used to fix the bug.". Do you mea...


06:49 pm OpenCV Bug #888 (Open): Multiple bugs in cv::LevMarqSparse, which let it crash and not work properly.
Any special reason why this is open? Not reproducible, no longer relevant (legacy), not enough resources (developer t...


01:57 pm OpenCV Bug #3017 (Open): Orb detector-Number of detected areas-BAD formulation
This seems like a useful patch, anyone cares to make a pull request?


11:31 am OpenCV Bug #3261 (Cancelled): Android minSdkVersion.


06:04 pm OpenCV Patch #2366 (Done): Bug in Android samples [includes fix].
I forgot to mention the forceThreadRestart code:...
06:03 pm OpenCV Patch #2366 (Done): Bug in Android samples [includes fix].


05:01 pm OpenCV Bug #2075 (Done): Possible bug with calcOpticalFlowPyrLK in version 2.4.1
Sure, I think this is what you are asking:...
01:13 pm OpenCV Bug #2075 (Done): Possible bug with calcOpticalFlowPyrLK in version 2.4.1
I was able to find the source of the problem, the error occurs in my particular case, when the second parameter is a ...


05:31 pm OpenCV Bug #2148 (Done): Typo in variable name.


06:42 pm OpenCV Bug #2075 (Done): Possible bug with calcOpticalFlowPyrLK in version 2.4.1

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