cvSVD() sometimes fails with CV_32FC1 on 64 bit Linux (Bug #136)
Depending on the input data, cvSVD() sometimes fails to calculate the correct results when CV_32FC1 matrices are used. Instead, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors come back as all-zeroes. Using CV_64FC1 works as expected.
I observe this bug on an OpenSUSE 11.0 machine with
gcc version 4.3.1 20080507 (prerelease) [gcc-4_3-branch revision 135036] (SUSE Linux)
I don't have access to a 64 bit machine with a different OS, so I couldn't rule out the compiler as the culprit.
I attached a test case. It consists of a 64x64 float matrix stored in a file, a .c file and a Makefile.
On my 32 bit laptop the output is:
Eigenvalues: 0.007886 0.006874 0.006036 ...
Eigenvalues: 0.007886 0.006874 0.006036 ...
On the 64 bit machine, I get:
Eigenvalues: 0.007886 0.006874 0.006036 ...
Eigenvalues: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ...
It doesn't matter whether I use OpenCV 2.0.0 or SVN. Disabling optimization doesn't help either.
Updated by Robert Huitl about 15 years ago
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
possibly fixed in r2868. It was likely related to SSE2, rather than 32-bit vs 64-bit issue.
- Status changed from Open to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed