Robert Huitl

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2012-06-21


Reported issues: 2


11:02 pm OpenCV Patch #2071 (Done): phaseCorrelation: return magnitude of the peak
Ah great, I removed the doc changes from the patch.
04:59 pm OpenCV Patch #2071 (Done): phaseCorrelation: return magnitude of the peak
Thanks for the explanation. I changed the patch to use a pointer defaulting to 0 and updated the documentation. Also ...


06:23 pm OpenCV Patch #2071 (Done): phaseCorrelation: return magnitude of the peak
Hi Vadim, I'm not sure why this breaks at the source code level. The new signature is
static double _no_double;
02:46 pm OpenCV Patch #2071 (Done): phaseCorrelation: return magnitude of the peak


04:18 pm OpenCV Bug #136 (Done): cvSVD() sometimes fails with CV_32FC1 on 64 bit Linux
We updated to [[OpenSUSE]] 11.2. I rebuilt [[OpenCV]] and the test case, but the problem persists. So this rules out ...


12:32 am OpenCV Bug #136 (Done): cvSVD() sometimes fails with CV_32FC1 on 64 bit Linux

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