Vladimir Eremeev
- Registered on: 2012-11-29
- Last connection: 2015-05-07
Reported issues: 3
- 03:35 pm OpenCV Bug #3803 (Done): Errors during building rgbd from opencv_contrib
- Sorry, typo in repo name, opencv_extra should read as opencv_contrib.
Pull request #35 was created - 03:06 pm OpenCV Bug #3803 (Done): Errors during building rgbd from opencv_contrib
- 11:19 am OpenCV Bugfix #2592 (Done): Fixes to documentation of findContours
- 02:41 pm OpenCV Bug #2585 (Done): SimpleBlobDetector is not created with FeatureDetector::create("SimpleBlob");
- Kirill Kornyakov wrote:
> Vladimir, thank you for the report! If you could fix the issue on your side, a patch or "p...
- 04:36 pm OpenCV Bug #2585 (Done): SimpleBlobDetector is not created with FeatureDetector::create("SimpleBlob");
- Further studies show that file ${OpenCV_root}/features2d/src/features2d_init.cpp lacks any code, related to the Simpl...
- 04:05 pm OpenCV Bug #2585 (Done): SimpleBlobDetector is not created with FeatureDetector::create("SimpleBlob");
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