SimpleBlobDetector is not created with FeatureDetector::create("SimpleBlob"); (Bug #2585)

Added by Vladimir Eremeev over 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:2012-11-29
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Leonid Beynenson % Done:


Target version:2.4.4
Affected version:2.4.3 Operating System:
Difficulty: HW Platform:
Pull request:


The returned object has the obj and refcount fields set to 0.
Tracing in algorithm.cpp shows that the variable

static sorted_vector<string, Algorithm::Constructor> alglist_var;

Doesn't have entry "Feature2D.SimpleBlob"

Associated revisions

Revision 5600bc54
Added by Andrey Pavlenko almost 11 years ago

Merge pull request #2585 from ilya-lavrenov:norm


Updated by Vladimir Eremeev over 12 years ago

Further studies show that file ${OpenCV_root}/features2d/src/features2d_init.cpp lacks any code, related to the SimpleBlob detector.
Since that alglist_var has no "SimpleBlob"

Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 12 years ago

Vladimir, thank you for the report! If you could fix the issue on your side, a patch or pull request would be highly appreciated!

  • Description changed from The returned object has the fields obj and refcount set to 0. Tracing in algo... to The returned object has the @obj@ and @refcount@ fields set to 0. Tracing in ... More
  • Target version set to 2.4.4

Updated by Vladimir Eremeev over 12 years ago

Kirill Kornyakov wrote:

Vladimir, thank you for the report! If you could fix the issue on your side, a patch or pull request would be highly appreciated!

Ok, will try to do this asap.
First, I have to investigate how this works, in details.

Further investigation has revealed that this algorithm also doesn't support getters/setters from the class cv::Algorithm, the code crashes on the first call of detector->set(...)
That's because, this class doesn't create and fill AlgorithmInfo object.

Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky about 12 years ago

  • Affected version set to 2.4.3
  • Target version deleted (2.4.4)

Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky about 12 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Maria Dimashova)

Updated by Andrey Kamaev about 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Leonid Beynenson

Updated by Kirill Kornyakov about 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 2.4.4

Updated by Amro _ about 12 years ago

It appears that the Pyramid adapter is also affected by this when combined with any of the other regular feature detectors mentioned in the docs

 Ptr<FeatureDetector> p = FeatureDetector::create("PyramidSTAR");

(OpenCV 2.4.3, VS2010)

Updated by Amro _ about 12 years ago

Amro K wrote:

It appears that the Pyramid adapter is also affected by this when combined with any of the other regular feature detectors mentioned in the docs


(OpenCV 2.4.3, VS2010)

the problem occurred when accessing the created object (getting the name or using the read/write methods):

 cout << p->name() << endl;

(btw, for some reason I cant edit my previous comment..)

Updated by Anna Kogan about 12 years ago

Hello Amro,
Thank you for reporting the problem. If you could fix the issue on your side, a patch or pull request in the GitHub repo: would help a lot!

Updated by Leonid Beynenson about 12 years ago

The bug is fixed (commit 0d12f45).

  • Pull request set to
  • Status changed from Open to Done

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