Doubts about the tiltedSum in cvIntegral() (Bug #62)

Added by Ryan Lei about 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

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Hi, I tried to use cvIntegral() today, and had some doubts about the tiltedSum result:
After studying the OpenCV online docs and the Learning OpenCV book, I found out the definition of tiltedSum result is like a "triangular sum", starting from point (X, 0), going down 45 degrees to the left and right, but above the line y = Y.
A sample result goes like the attachment of summing an "ones" matrix.

However, in both the original paper:
Lienhart, R. and Maydt, J., "An extended set of Haar-like features for rapid object detection", ICIP02, pp. I: 900-903, 2002, and an Intel document I found on the Internet, the summing result is nothing like such an triangle. Instead, the sum starts at point (X,Y), going 45 degrees upper-left and lower-left.
In fact, the summation limit is quite different in OpenCV and the paper:
OpenCV: y <= Y, |x - X| <= y
Lienhart, and Maydt: x <= X, x <= X - |y - Y|

Is that a mistake? Because the tiltedSum here seems meaningless, and cv/cvsumpixels.cpp has not been updated for 7 months!

cvIntegral.png - content of an "one" matrix and its tiltedSum result (43.9 kB) Ryan Lei, 2010-01-10 08:30 pm

4_points.png - The 4 points in the example: (5,3), (3,5), (7,9), (9,7) (56.3 kB) Ryan Lei, 2010-01-16 10:43 am

summing.png - Computations using 4 plus/minus operations on tiltedSum. (61.4 kB) Ryan Lei, 2010-01-16 10:45 am

result.png - Cancellation result. Green: +1; Red: -1 (61.4 kB) Ryan Lei, 2010-01-16 10:45 am

Associated revisions

Revision e3348243
Added by Roman Donchenko over 11 years ago

Merge pull request #62 from jet47:gpu-resize


Updated by anonymous - about 15 years ago

This is not a mistake. The only purpose of the tilted integral image is to compute sums of pixels covered by tilted rectangles efficiently. Both forms of tilted integral images can be used for that. Indeed, it's just a matter of transposition.

OpenCV uses a different form, because such tilted integral can be computed simultaneously (within the same loop) with normal integral image, while the original form requires 2-pass algorithm over rows or 1-pass algorithm over columns (inefficient).

The author of the mentioned paper, R. Lienhart is aware of this different interpretation and approved it.

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  • (deleted custom field) set to worksforme

Updated by Ryan Lei about 15 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, and sorry for reopening the ticket to raise attention.
I am aware of the 2-pass performance issue in the original paper, but still, I can't figure out how to compute tilted pixel sums using 4 "plus, minus" operations this way.

As simple example, can any one tell me how to compute the tilted rectangle sum formed by the 4 points: (5,3), (3,5), (7,9), (9,7)? Or in Lienhart's notation:
x = 5, y = 3, w = 4, h = 2 ?

Here, the origin is at (0,0), x and w is horizontal, y and h is vertical.
Please answer assuming tiltedSum is of size W x H, not (W+1) x (H+1).

  • Status changed from Done to Cancelled
  • (deleted custom field) deleted (worksforme)

Updated by anonymous - about 15 years ago

tiltedSum(x,y) - tiltedSum(x-h,y+h) - tiltedSum(x+w, y+w) + tiltedSum(x+w-h,y+w+h)

Updated by Ryan Lei about 15 years ago

I'm afraid this is not the case in OpenCV. I know in Lienhart's paper, the result is:
-tiltedSum(x,y) + tiltedSum(x-h,y+h) + tiltedSum(x+w, y+w) - tiltedSum(x+w-h,y+w+h), with the 4 signs opposite from yours.
I verified that the result of my formula is close (with a bit of errors) to a tilted rectangle sum.

However, if tiltedSum(x,y) in OpenCV is defined like the triangle sum in the previous attachment "cvIntegral.png", then using your formula does not result in a tilted rectangle sum at all, not even close.

Please see my computations in the three pictures in the attachment. The big points are the 4 corners. The green ones represent the '+' terms, red ones the '-' terms. The small points in "summing.png" show the summing process. And finally, the cancellation result is in "result.png". So I can see the final result is FAR from what we intended. In fact, points within the tilted rectangle rarely appear in the result, but so many unwanted points do.

That's my original doubts.

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