R3512 - Build Fails VS2008 (Bug #527)
WITH_CUDA is not ticked so i'm not sure why the gpu modules are being built.
Error 293 error C2039: 'get_property_device' : is not a member of 'cv::gpu::MatPL' c:\opencv_svn\modules\gpu\src\matrix_operations.cpp 71 opencv_gpu
Error 294 error C2511: 'void cv::gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP::operator ()(const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::Stream &)' : overloaded member function not found in 'cv::gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP' c:\opencv_svn\modules\gpu\src\constantspacebp_gpu.cpp 55 opencv_gpu
Error 295 error C2511: 'void cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation::operator ()(const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::GpuMat &,cv::gpu::GpuMat &,const cv::gpu::Stream &)' : overloaded member function not found in 'cv::gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation' c:\opencv_svn\modules\gpu\src\beliefpropagation_gpu.cpp 55 opencv_gpu
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #527 from bitwangyaoyao:2.4_fixMeanShift
Updated by anonymous - over 14 years ago
- Status deleted (
Updated by anonymous - over 14 years ago
fixed in r3518
- Status set to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed
Updated by Andrey Kamaev almost 13 years ago
- Category set to build/install