Daisy and Latch Descriptor Missing- Python 2.7.10 (Bug #4470)
I have installed OpenCV3 with the contrib-repo for Python 2.7.10 but the Daisy and Latch modules are not available.
SIFT, SURF, FREAK etc are fine,
I have tried the fix as per
but it didn't work.
The .cpp files are in the contrib-repo, are the algorithms not available in python yet?
Updated by be rak over 9 years ago
apologies for the sloppiness there, this attempt indeed won't work.
both DAISY and LATCH inherit from `DescriptorExtractor` (which is a typedef for Feature2D, but not exposed to scripting) so it errors:
Generator error: unable to resolve base xfeatures2d_DescriptorExtractor for xfeatures2d_DAISY
changing the interface to Features2D (like all other classes do) will make it work:
>>> help(cv2.xfeatures2d) Help on module cv2.xfeatures2d in cv2: NAME cv2.xfeatures2d FILE (built-in) FUNCTIONS DAISY_create(...) DAISY_create([, radius[, q_radius[, q_theta[, q_hist[, norm[, H[, interp olation[, use_orientation]]]]]]]]) -> retval FREAK_create(...) FREAK_create([, orientationNormalized[, scaleNormalized[, patternScale[, nOctaves[, selectedPairs]]]]]) -> retval LATCH_create(...) LATCH_create([, bytes[, rotationInvariance[, half_ssd_size]]]) -> retval LUCID_create(...) LUCID_create(lucid_kernel, blur_kernel) -> retval
corrected pr here: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/pull/296
Updated by Alexander Alekhin over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Done
- Pull request set to https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/pull/296