OpenCL kernels for building OpenCV not being generated completely (Bug #4038)
'm using cmake and building OpenCV from source.
The OpenCL kernels for each module (opencl_kernels_MODULENAME.cpp and opencl_kernels_MODULENAME.hpp) are predominantly EMPTY.
This is what one of them look like when I open them -
This file is auto-generated. Do not edit! #include "precomp.hpp" #include "opencl_kernels_core.hpp" namespace cv { namespace ocl { namespace core { } } }
Related issues
duplicated by Bug #4318: 3.0.0 RC1 build fails on Yosemite, opencl_kernels_core.hp... | Cancelled | 2015-05-06 |
Updated by Ilya Lavrenov over 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Roman Donchenko to Alexander Alekhin
Updated by Maksim Shabunin almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 3.0-beta to 3.0
Updated by Maksim Shabunin almost 10 years ago
Can you, please, provide more information about your system configuration and OpenCV version you used? I was not able to reproduce this issue on Ubuntu 14.04 with cmake 2.8.12 and MacOSX 10.9.3 with cmake 2.8.12: OpenCL kernels are successfully generated.
- Status changed from New to Incomplete
- Assignee changed from Alexander Alekhin to Maksim Shabunin
Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky almost 10 years ago
let's lower the priority until we get more information
- Priority changed from Blocker to Low
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
See duplicate issue #4318
- Status changed from Incomplete to Cancelled