Ilya Lavrenov
- Registered on: 2012-07-26
- Last connection: 2015-12-19
- OpenCV (Developer, 2012-07-27)
- OpenCV Extra (Developer, 2012-10-08)
Reported issues: 12
- 10:59 pm OpenCV Bug #4309 (New): OpenCV Manager: Motorola Droid Turbo hardware not detected
- 10:57 pm OpenCV Bug #4313 (Cancelled): Errors in cuda optical flow computation
- 10:55 pm OpenCV Bug #4316 (Done): Build problem win 64 Visual Studio 2013 (v120) opencv 3.0.0 when BUILD_opencv_w...
- 02:36 pm OpenCV Bug #4241 (New): USB3 Ximea Camera with Opencv 2.4.10 for ARMHF will not work?
- 02:36 pm OpenCV Bug #4241 (New): USB3 Ximea Camera with Opencv 2.4.10 for ARMHF will not work?
- Hi Sovann,
Could you modify ximea_cap.cpp to support your camera and submit a pull-request to public OpenCV repo? - 02:34 pm OpenCV Bug #4243 (Done): Change in morphologyEx kernel specifier from opencv-2.4.9
- 02:34 pm OpenCV Bug #4243 (Done): Change in morphologyEx kernel specifier from opencv-2.4.9
- Hi David,
Could you provide a minimalistic compilable sample to demonstrate the problem? - 02:30 pm OpenCV Bug #4245 (New): Error in Xobjdetect
- Hi Jay,
Could you create a merge-request with proposed changes? - 02:29 pm OpenCV Bug #4249 (Done): opencv newest 2.4.11 cannot compile with CUDA 7.0
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