Android openCVlibrary fails to setup camera on Odroid U3(Samsung GalaxyS3 plateform) or runs extremely slowly (Bug #3987)
experimenting OpenCV on Android Devices, i encounter troubles on the Odroid U3 plateform (Exynox 4412, GalaxyS3 like, also saw some issues on galaxyS3 in the list). I run my test on the latest OpenCV stable version 2.4.9.
Two points on it that are maybe connected :
_Camera setup fails in JavaCameraView::initializeCamera on line:frameSize = calculateCameraFrameSize(sizes, new JavaCameraSizeAccessor(), width, height);
After this call, frame size contains 0*0 making the following code failing, maybe a value check would protect the following to crash in such case.
_if we force framesize by replacing this line by the following example:Size frameSize = new Size(640,480);
Then, it runs BUT framerate is extremely low : around 1.2fps.
It is currently difficult to locate the origin of the problem : OpenCV or Host Android on the odroid plateform.
I tested with 2 android versions on this plateform : Android 4.4.2 and 4.4.4, with Dalvik or ART, with and without CPU scaling, always getting the same observations.
The same machine can run linux and in this case, everything goes fine and fast with the same peripherals.
These problems has also been observed on odroid XU system (Exynox Octa cpu).
If somebody has an idea of the probem, Odroid team encouraged coming to you but it may come from the OS config (but what?).
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks !
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3987 from vpisarev:core_fixes_part_1
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: