[Rev. 3236] Build fails on OSX with Quicktime (Bug #391)
This is my first ticket so here goes:
OSX 10.6.4, g++ 4.2.1, XCode 3.2.2
All default settings used when configuring CMake except for TBB enabled, python disabled, Quicktime enabled, and the rest as follows
1. cap_qt.c will not compile unless CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32, CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 (it will compile without this but I feel like it should be set), and CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386
Would it make sense to force these options when Quicktime is enabled? I'm really new to CMake so I currently set these manually.
2. cap_qt.c will not compile unless video, features2d, calib3d, and objdetect are added to the include directories in CMakeLists.txt in modules/highgui (see attached CMakeLists.txt under Define the library target: include_directories())
3. Line 1352 in cap_qt.c generates an error and it seems redundant as the default case is the exact same. If you comment out the entire case it compiles
switch ( fourcc ) {
// case CV_FOURCC( 'D', 'I', 'B', ' ' ):
// codecType = kRawCodecType;
// break;
codecType = kRawCodecType;
Associated revisions
fixed compile errors in cap_qt.cpp (ticket #391)
Merge pull request #391 from taka-no-me:fix_buildbot_issues
Updated by anonymous - over 14 years ago
I was wondering if there was any word on this or if anyone could let me know what I am doing wrong here... it still doesn't compile without patching in [r3293] or any of the revisions which I have tried in between in OS X (XCode or make).
I also can't get any recent revisions to compile in Windows XP (VS 2008) but for completely different reasons which are mentioned by someone else in a different ticket.
Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky over 14 years ago
thanks for the patches and sorry for delay! the build problems have been mostly fixed in r4273.
CMakeLists.txt has not been patched yet, but it is possible to generate Xcode project, select i386 architecture and build it.
- Status changed from Open to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed