cv::CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale segfaults at cv::HaarEvaluator::setWindow(cv::Point_<int>,int) (Bug #3868)
Segfault occurs on Linux build of opencv 3.0 when calling detectMultiScale on a loaded classifier.
Same code and classifier work fine on windows with opencv 2.4.9.
My apologies if I missed anything stating that classifiers trained on 2.4.9 do not work on 3.0.
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3868 from Dikay900:fix_cudalegacy_without_cudaimgproc
Updated by Steven Puttemans over 10 years ago
They should work, however keep in mind that 3.0 is in constant changing mode since it is development branch and it is NOT guaranteed to built and run without problems. Could you add some sample code and the model you are using which don't work on your system so that we can cross check if it works on other systems?
- Category set to objdetect
- Status changed from New to Open
Updated by tzafrir last_name about 10 years ago
This crash happens to me as well using code from opencv 3 branch.
I compiled opencv from source
under ubuntu linux, 64 bit
It happens every time with the example smiledetect.cpp from the samples folder of opencv.
Updated by Steven Puttemans about 10 years ago
This should be fixed now. Models have been updated and as far as I see a loaded model works fine here.
Reopen if the error still persists!
- Status changed from Open to Cancelled