Daniel Moodie

  • Registered on: 2014-08-14
  • Last connection: 2015-04-21


Reported issues: 4


07:45 pm OpenCV Bug #4343 (Done): cv::cuda::findMinMaxLoc incorrect output for single row matrix


05:09 pm OpenCV Feature #2309 (Open): A big push for sparse support!
Hilton Bristow wrote:
> In the lead-up to version 2.5, it would be great to have a big push towards better sparse ma...
02:52 pm OpenCV Bug #4168 (New): cv::cuda::multiply and cv::cuda::sqr can't handle large vector matrices.


11:12 pm OpenCV Bug #3867 (Cancelled): cv::VideoCapture of RTSP stream claims to be open when connection is refused
Sorry I've changed jobs and no longer have access to the same rtsp server to test this.


11:46 pm OpenCV Bug #3868 (Cancelled): cv::CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale segfaults at cv::HaarEvaluator::se...
11:43 pm OpenCV Bug #3867 (Cancelled): cv::VideoCapture of RTSP stream claims to be open when connection is refused

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