Bug in FilterEngine::apply with ROI (Bugfix #3668)

Added by Thierry Hoinville almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:2014-04-30
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Thierry Hoinville % Done:


Category:imgproc, video
Target version:2.4.10
Affected version:2.4.8 (latest release) Operating System:Linux
Difficulty: HW Platform:x64
Pull request:



FilterEngine::apply() does not take into account the srcRoi.x parameter:
As one may notice in the documentation, the code is bugged:

proceed( src.data + y*src.step,
             (int)src.step, endY - startY,
             dst.data + dstOfs.y*dst.step +
             dstOfs.x*dst.elemSize(), (int)dst.step );

should be replaced by

proceed( src.data + y*src.step + _srcRoi.x*src.elemSize(),
             (int)src.step, endY - startY,
             dst.data + dstOfs.y*dst.step +
             dstOfs.x*dst.elemSize(), (int)dst.step );


Associated revisions

Revision 3f86e7b7
Added by Vadim Pisarevsky about 10 years ago

Merge pull request #3668 from mshabunin:fix-ann-memory-access


Updated by Alexander Smorkalov almost 11 years ago

  • Description changed from Hi, FilterEngine::apply() does not take into account the srcRoi.x parameter:... to Hi, FilterEngine::apply() does not take into account the srcRoi.x parameter:... More
  • Category set to imgproc, video

Updated by Alexander Smorkalov almost 11 years ago

Hello Thierry,

OpenCV is open source project and you can help us to make it better. Just make pull request with bug fix on Github. Follow by the how to contribute page instructions.

Updated by Thierry Hoinville almost 11 years ago

Hello Alexander,

Ok I try to follow that.

  • Status changed from New to Incomplete
  • Assignee set to Thierry Hoinville
  • Target version set to 2.4.10

Updated by Thierry Hoinville almost 11 years ago

Just made a pull request with the bug fix.

  • Status changed from Incomplete to Done
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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