Support progressive JPEG (Feature #3547)
I'm currently using OpenCV in a node.js project which goal is to serve responsive images for the Web:
As you may know, progressive JPEGs have become quite popular (again) those days, and people want to use them on their websites because loading "feels faster" (
Keeping that in mind, it would very nice to add a way to save progressive JPEG.
If I'm not wrong, it would just be a call to jpeg_simple_progression to enable progressive JPEG.
It would involve adding an additional parameter value to cv::imencode and cv::imwrite functions, something like this:
vector<int> params; params.push_back(CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_PROGRESSIVE); params.push_back(1);
Do you think this would be something that you could consider?
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3547 from ilya-lavrenov:ocl_setto
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov about 11 years ago
Nicolas, I think it could be an interesting feature. But please keep in mind, that if you really want to have support for progressive JPEG, you'd better to work on it yourself. All the people are quite busy at the moment, so better to not wait...
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Category set to highgui-images
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov about 11 years ago
- Assignee set to Nicolas Gryman
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Open
Updated by Nicolas Gryman about 11 years ago
Alright, I suppose I can open a pull request on Github for this one.
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Done
- Pull request set to