imread error - OpenCV-2.4.7rc1 VS2012 Pro(32-bit) Windows7(64-bit) (Bug #3417)
I've builded opencv-2.4.7 with vs2012-x86 and I used opencv-2.4.5 for more than a year. Now I've changed my computer and needed to install opencv but when I want to use imread it returns null Mat element therefore I've tried with C interface (cvLoadImage) and there is no problem. These are cods:
@#include "opencv2\core\core.hpp"
#include "opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2\imgproc\imgproc.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main()
IplImage *x1;
x1 = cvLoadImage("xxx.png", 1);
Mat x1Mat(x1);
Mat Im1 = imread("masaustu.jpeg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
namedWindow("deneme", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvShowImage("deneme", x1);
imshow("deneme", Im1);
cvtColor(Im1, Im1, CV_BGR2GRAY);
namedWindow("deneme_gri", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("deneme_gri", Im1);
How can I fix this problem?
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3417 from ilya-lavrenov:dox_warn
Updated by Daniil Osokin over 11 years ago
Do you have "masaustu.jpeg" into proper folder? If so, attach both images to reproduce this behaviour.
- Assignee set to Orkun KASAPOGLU
- Target version set to 2.4.8
Updated by Orkun KASAPOGLU over 11 years ago
Daniil Osokin wrote:
Do you have "masaustu.jpeg" into proper folder? If so, attach both images to reproduce this behaviour.
Yes, "masaüstü.jpeg" in proper folder and I installed yesterday opencv-2.4.7(vs2012), opencv-master(vs2010) and opencv-2.4.5(vs2010). imread just worked fine with 2.4.5 version of opencv. I'm going to install whole versions of 2.4.5 between 2.4.7 to find which will work fine on vs.
Updated by Orkun KASAPOGLU over 11 years ago
And something caught my attention which is about configure and generate opencv with qt on cmake. I've got building of qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5. When I tick up WITH_QT on cmake then configure the oCV to build, it want to 6 library paths but they are qt-5 libraries these are Qt5Concurrent, Qt5Core, Qt5Gui,Qt5Test, Qt5OpenGL, Qt5Widgets. I have got just QtCore, QtGui, QtTest and QtOpenGL libraries but cmake does not accept (4 of them) their ways. That can be reason for this because imread is a highgui element and while configuring opencv-2.4.5 with cmake it did not want these library DIRs. Are opencv-2.4.7 and above versions not compatible below versions of qt5?
Updated by Orkun KASAPOGLU over 11 years ago
I deleted all versions of opencv on my computer and rebuild opencv-master with vs2010 it has builded and imread is working well now and I can using builded libraries with vs2012 without any problem for now. But I've uninstalled qt creator and deleted opensource version of qt and build qt opensource again but did not install qt creater (I'll install it later). Opencv is work properly now.
Updated by Daniil Osokin about 11 years ago
So, should we close this ticket, or?
Updated by Nikita Manovich about 11 years ago
I have closed the issue. It seems that OpenCV works properly in the case. Feel free to reopen the bug if it is necessary.
- Status changed from New to Cancelled