Daniil Osokin

  • Registered on: 2012-06-08
  • Last connection: 2014-04-06



Reported issues: 6


06:01 pm OpenCV Wiki edit: How_to_contribute (#52)
08:23 am OpenCV Bug #3809 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 Python findContours fails
Hi, thanks for response! Looks like this isn't a bug: assertion failed means, that you pass wrong arguments for some ...
08:15 am OpenCV Bug #3808 (Open): OpenCV Native Activity crashes on Google glass
Hi Shakith, thanks for response! However, we don't have any google glasses to debug and fix this. If you can help wit...
08:13 am OpenCV Feature #3810 (New): New class to be added to OpenCV
Hi, thanks for response! You can try to make a pull request (http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/wiki/How_to_contr...
07:40 am OpenCV Bug #3807 (Incomplete): Crash is CUDA code
07:39 am OpenCV Bug #3807 (Incomplete): Crash is CUDA code
07:39 am OpenCV Bug #3807 (Incomplete): Crash is CUDA code
Hi, thahks for response! Please, attach a code sample (input video) to reproduce this problem.


04:24 pm OpenCV Bug #3605 (Done): Documentation mistake in SVM's page
04:18 pm OpenCV Bug #3803 (Done): Errors during building rgbd from opencv_contrib
Hi Vladimir, thanks for PR (https://github.com/Itseez/opencv_contrib/pull/35)!
04:14 pm OpenCV Bug #3801 (Done): Why the matrix U obtained from SVD is not an orthogonal matrix?
Hi Xing, thanks for response! Could you please dig into bug?

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