Needs workarounds for Sun Studio C++ standard library missing features (Patch #335)

Added by Albert Lee almost 15 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Status:Cancelled Start date:
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:Vadim Pisarevsky % Done:


Target version:3.0
Affected version: Operating System:
Difficulty: HW Platform:
Pull request:


Sun Studio's C++ standard library has certain features disabled for ABI compatibility, which unfortunately causes Studio to be unable to build OpenCV.

The following member function definition in include/opencv/cxmat.hpp also fails to compile:

1 inline Mat::operator MatExpr_<Mat, Mat>() const
2 { return MatExpr_<Mat, Mat>(*this); }

The error is:
808: Error: In this declaration "e" is of an incomplete type "cv::MatExpr_Op4_<cv::Mat, cv::Mat, double, char, cv::Mat, cv::MatOp_MulDiv_<cv::Mat>>".
"/export/home/trisk/packages/BUILD/OpenCV-2.1.0/include/opencv/cxmat.hpp", line 806:     Where: While specializing "cv::MatExpr_<cv::MatExpr_Op4_<cv::Mat, cv::Mat, double, char, cv::Mat, cv::MatOp_MulDiv_<cv::Mat>>, cv::Mat>".
"/export/home/trisk/packages/BUILD/OpenCV-2.1.0/include/opencv/cxmat.hpp", line 806:     Where: Specialized in cv::MatExpr_<cv::Mat, cv::Mat>.
"/export/home/trisk/packages/BUILD/OpenCV-2.1.0/include/opencv/cxmat.hpp", line 839:     Where: Specialized in non-template code.
"/export/home/trisk/packages/BUILD/OpenCV-2.1.0/src/cxcore/cxmatmul.cpp", line 2666: Warning: mean hides cv::PCA::mean.

I have applied workarounds for these issues in the following patch:

This patch also includes the workaround for #329.


Updated by Albert Lee almost 15 years ago

Messed up the markup above, the non-compiling definition is:

 inline Mat::operator MatExpr_<Mat, Mat>() const
 { return MatExpr_<Mat, Mat>(*this); }

Updated by Alexander Shishkov about 13 years ago

  • Description changed from Sun Studio's C++ standard library has certain features disabled for ABI c... to Sun Studio's C++ standard library has certain features disabled for ABI c... More

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago

  • Description changed from Sun Studio's C++ standard library has certain features disabled for ABI c... to Sun Studio's C++ standard library has certain features disabled for ABI c... More

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature to Patch
  • Target version deleted ()

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 13 years ago

  • Target version deleted ()

Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Vadim Pisarevsky
  • Target version set to 3.0

Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky over 12 years ago

At least partially the patch is now obsolete (MatExpr is not a template class anymore).

  • Status changed from Open to Cancelled

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