Native Camera does not work on Android 4.3 (Nexus 7 2013) (Bug #3327)
Can not preview
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): CvCapture_Android::CvCapture_Android(1)
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): Library name:
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): Library base address: 0x730ba000
D/audio_hw_primary( 187): enable_audio_route: apply mixer path: low-latency-playback
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): Libraries folder found: /data/app-lib/org.gameplay3d.sample_ptam-1/
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): CameraWrapperConnector::connectToLib: folderPath=/data/app-lib/org.gameplay3d.sample_ptam-1/
E/OpenCV::camera( 6564): ||
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): try to load library ''
D/audio_hw_primary( 187): start_output_stream: exit
D/OpenCV::camera( 6564): Loaded library '/data/app-lib/org.gameplay3d.sample_ptam-1/'
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): CameraHandler::initCameraConnect(0x734cf61d, 1, 0x762f1e08, 0x0)
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Current process name for camera init: org.gameplay3d.sample_ptam
I/AwesomePlayer( 187): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
I/AwesomePlayer( 187): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
I/Camera2ClientBase( 187): Camera 1: Opened
I/Camera2 ( 187): Camera 1: Opened
E/mm-camera-intf( 187): mm_camera_open: dev name = /dev/video2, cam_idx = 2
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_start_session:320 session 2
D/PhoneStatusBar( 616): mSettingsPanelGravity = 8388661
V/PhoneStatusBar( 616): setLightsOn(true)
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_start_session: Enter
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_start_session: Exit successful
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_get_port: Exit successful
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_start_session:246, info: starting session 2
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_start_session:284, info: c2d_thread created.
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_start_session:306, info: session 2 started.
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_create_msg_thread:202] E
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_create_msg_thread:224] X
E/mm-camera( 205): module_faceproc_query_mod:1296 Max Face ROI 2
E/mm-camera-intf( 187): mm_camera_open: opened, break out while loop
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_msg_thread:61] abort 0
E/mm-camera-img( 205): img_q_wait: before wait
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_thread_func:39: c2d_thread entering the polling loop...
E/mm-camera-intf( 187): mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=77
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): Error finding static metadata entry '' (170000)
I/Camera2-Parameters( 187): Camera 1: ZSL mode disabled for limited mode HALs
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Instantiated new CameraHandler (0x734cf61d, 0x762f1e08)
I/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): initCameraConnect: [antibanding=auto;antibanding-values=off,60hz,50hz,auto;auto-exposure-lock=false;auto-exposure-lock-supported=true;auto-whitebalance-lock=false;auto-whitebalance-lock-supported=true;effect=none;effect-values=none,mono,negative,solarize,sepia,posterize,whiteboard,blackboard,aqua;exposure-compensation=0;exposure-compensation-step=0.166667;flash-mode=off;flash-mode-values=off;focal-length=4.6;focus-areas=(0,0,0,0,0);focus-distances=Infinity,Infinity,Infinity;focus-mode=fixed;focus-mode-values=fixed;horizontal-view-angle=29.9403;jpeg-quality=90;jpeg-thumbnail-height=288;jpeg-thumbnail-quality=90;jpeg-thumbnail-size-values=512x288,480x288,256x154,432x288,320x240,176x144,0x0;jpeg-thumbnail-width=512;max-exposure-compensation=12;max-num-detected-faces-hw=0;max-num-detected-faces-sw=0;max-num-focus-areas=0;max-num-metering-areas=1;max-zoom=99;metering-areas=(0,0,0,0,0);min-exposure-compensation=-12;picture-format=jpeg;picture-format-values=jpeg;picture-size=1280x768;picture-size-values=1280x768,12
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Cameras: (null)
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Picture Sizes: 1280x768,1280x720,1024x768,800x600,800x480,720x480,640x480,352x288,320x240,176x144
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Picture Formats: jpeg
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Preview Sizes: 1280x720,800x480,768x432,720x480,640x480,576x432,480x320,384x288,352x288,320x240,240x160,176x144
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Preview Formats: yuv420p,yuv420sp
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Preview Frame Rates: 30
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Thumbnail Sizes: 512x288,480x288,256x154,432x288,320x240,176x144,0x0
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Whitebalance Modes: auto,incandescent,fluorescent,warm-fluorescent,daylight,cloudy-daylight,twilight,shade
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Effects: none,mono,negative,solarize,sepia,posterize,whiteboard,blackboard,aqua
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Scene Modes: auto,landscape,snow,beach,sunset,night,portrait,sports,steadyphoto,candlelight,fireworks,party,night-portrait,theatre,action
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Focus Modes: fixed
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Antibanding Options: off,60hz,50hz,auto
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Supported Flash Modes: off
E/QCamera3HWI( 187): camera_metadata_t* qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::translateCapabilityToMetadata(int): Setting focus mode to off
E/QCamera3HWI( 187): camera_metadata_t* qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::translateCapabilityToMetadata(int): Setting focus mode to off
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): initCameraConnect: preview format is set to yuv420sp
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): Starting preview
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_init:1664] Launch jobmgr thread rc 0
E/qomx_image_core( 187): OMX_Init:84] Complete 1
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCamera3RegularChannel::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): priv_handle->flags 0x420008 not supported
E/QCamera3HWI( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::registerStreamBuffers(const camera3_stream_buffer_set_t*): registerBUffers for stream 0xb7232fec failed
E/Camera3-Stream( 187): finishConfiguration: Unable to register stream buffers with HAL: No such device (-19)
E/Camera3-Device( 187): Camera 1: configureStreamsLocked: Can't finish configuring output stream 0: No such device (-19)
E/Camera3-Device( 187): Camera 1: setUpRequestLocked: Can't set up streams: No such device (-19)
E/Camera3-Device( 187): Camera 1: setStreamingRequest: Can't create repeating request
E/Camera2-StreamingProcessor( 187): startStream: Camera 1: Unable to set preview request to start preview: Invalid argument (-22)
E/Camera2 ( 187): startPreviewL: Camera 1: Unable to start streaming preview: Invalid argument (-22)
E/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): initCameraConnect: startPreview() fails. Closing camera connection...
E/Camera3-Device( 187): Camera 1: clearStreamingRequest: Device has encountered a serious error
E/Camera2-StreamingProcessor( 187): stopStream: Camera 1: Can't clear stream request: Function not implemented (-38)
E/Camera2 ( 187): stopPreviewL: Camera 1: Can't stop streaming: Function not implemented (-38)
E/Camera3-Device( 187): Camera 1: clearStreamingRequest: Device has encountered a serious error
E/Camera2-StreamingProcessor( 187): stopStream: Camera 1: Can't clear stream request: Function not implemented (-38)
E/Camera2 ( 187): stopPreviewL: Camera 1: Can't stop streaming: Function not implemented (-38)
E/Camera2-StreamingProcessor( 187): deletePreviewStream: Unable to delete old preview stream: Device or resource busy (-16)
E/Camera2-CallbackProcessor( 187): deleteStream: Unable to delete callback stream: Device or resource busy (-16)
E/Camera3-Device( 187): Camera 1: disconnect: Shutting down in an error state
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): int32_t qcamera::QCamera3Channel::stop(): Attempt to stop inactive channel
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): int32_t qcamera::QCamera3Channel::stop(): Attempt to stop inactive channel
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): int32_t qcamera::QCamera3Channel::stop(): Attempt to stop inactive channel
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): virtual qcamera::QCamera3Channel::~QCamera3Channel(): deleting channel 9985
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_close:2124] E
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_close:2129]
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_close:2137]
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_close:2140]
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_close:2147] X
E/qomx_image_core( 187): OMX_Deinit:101] Complete
D/QCamera3PostProc( 187): int32_t qcamera::QCamera3PostProcessor::deinit(): Jpeg closed, rc = 0, mJpegClientHandle = 700
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): int32_t qcamera::QCamera3Channel::stop(): Attempt to stop inactive channel
E/QCamera3Channel( 187): virtual qcamera::QCamera3Channel::~QCamera3Channel(): deleting channel 9472
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_pipeline_process_set: Couldn't find stream
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_stop_session:373 session 2
E/OpenCV::camera( 6564): CameraWrapperConnector::connectWrapper ERROR: the initializing function returned false
E/OpenCV::camera( 6564): Native_camera returned opening error: 6
I/Camera2 ( 187): Camera 1: Closed
E/Camera2-CallbackProcessor( 187): deleteStream: Camera 1: Device does not exist
E/Camera2-StreamingProcessor( 187): deletePreviewStream: Camera 1: Device does not exist
I/Camera2ClientBase( 187): Closed Camera 1
W/AudioFlinger( 187): session id 204 not found for pid 187
W/AudioFlinger( 187): session id 205 not found for pid 187
D/OpenCV_NativeCamera( 6564): CameraHandler destructor is called
E/mm-camera( 205): stats_module_stop_session: list =0xb89b7aa0, remove port =0xb89d6e10 name=stats_sink from module=0xb8717780, name=stats
E/mm-camera( 205): stats_module_stop_session: 1 port =0xb89d6e10 name=stats_sink
E/mm-camera( 205): stats_module_stop_session: 2 port =0xb89d6e10 name=stats_sink
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_stop_session: Enter
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_stop_session: Exit successful
E/mm-camera( 205): stats_module_stop_session: 3 port =0xb89d6e10 name=stats_sink
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_stop_session:322, info: stopping session 2 ...
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_thread_process_pipe_message:503, C2D_THREAD_MSG_ABORT: c2d_thread exiting..
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_stop_session:361, info: session 2 stopped.
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_destroy_msg_thread:128] threadid -1197720000
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_destroy_msg_thread:132] after msg thread exit
E/mm-camera-img( 205): img_q_wait:225] after wait count 0
E/mm-camera-img( 205): img_q_wait:229] data 0x0
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_msg_thread:99] X
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3327 from JonasVautherin:patch_cmake_android_r10
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
Thank you for your report. It looks like camera is blocked by some other process. Try to open standard camera app. Does it work correctly? Do you try 2.4 branch and OpenCV Manager? Try to install OpenCV example tutorial-1 camera preview and OpenCV Manager. Does it work?
Updated by Shulei Zhu over 11 years ago
Thanks for your reply, actually I did not use opencv Manager. I removed all java code (those stuff in src/) from the sample "native-activity", then I adapted the AndroidManifest.xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="org.opencv.samples.NativeActivity" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" /> <application android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:debuggable="true"> <activity android:name="" android:label="@string/app_name" android:screenOrientation="landscape" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"> <meta-data android:name="" android:value="native_activity" /> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> </activity> </application> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/> </manifest>
After run
> ndk-build
I manually copied, (the target is android-18) to /system/lib , then
> ant debug install
The app was launched successfully, but with black screen and above log.
Because I use the sample in an unusual way, maybe it should not be considered as a bug.
I do not know much about the underlying mechanism for Android camera, any help would be appreciated.
1. For a developing version, how to compile opencv-manager?
2. What is relation between prebuilt and module/androidcamera?
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
Your Manifest looks ok. I'm not able to analyze problem right now, but I return to it in the nearest future. Just one additional question, does new Nexux 7 have back camera?
1. You do not need to compile OpenCV Manager. It is a way of distribution for OpenCV. If you want to link with OpenCV from master branch you can do it statically or dinamicaly in run time by initDebug() method. See Android tutorial on for more details.
2. modules/androidcamera contains code for all libraries and thin wrapper for it to use it from OpenCV. Android camera libraries are built without exceptions and RTTY, so we have to use separate libraries-wrappers to fit interface differences on different Android versions and solve RTTY linking issues.
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Open
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by Shulei Zhu over 11 years ago
Ok, thank you, Nexus 7 (2013) has two cameras, and I tested this sample using both front and back camera, and got same result.
I paste the log produced by Android's native camera app. I hope it is helpful for you.
V/CameraHolder(22978): open camera 0
I/AwesomePlayer( 187): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_CONCURRENT freed 188K, 2% free 10748K/10964K, paused 2ms+3ms, total 33ms
I/AwesomePlayer( 187): setDataSource_l(URL suppressed)
I/Camera2ClientBase( 187): Camera 0: Opened
I/Camera2 ( 187): Camera 0: Opened
I/ActivityManager( 535): Start proc for service pid=23022 uid=10021 gids={50021, 3003, 1007, 1028, 1015, 1006, 2001, 3006}
E/mm-camera-intf( 187): mm_camera_open: dev name = /dev/video1, cam_idx = 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_start_session:320 session 1
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 2% free 11159K/11348K, paused 1ms+5ms, total 16ms
D/LocationManager(22978): startReceivingLocationUpdates
D/CameraStorage(22978): External storage state=mounted
I/Recovery(23022): Received: Intent { flg=0x10$Receiver }
D/GCM ( 752): GcmService start Intent { flg=0x10 }
D/libEGL (22978): loaded /system/lib/egl/
D/libEGL (22978): loaded /system/lib/egl/
D/libEGL (22978): loaded /system/lib/egl/
I/Adreno200-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:265>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Build: Iabe52cfaeae4c5fab1acacfe6f056ba15fa93274
D/dalvikvm(23022): GC_CONCURRENT freed 228K, 3% free 9065K/9292K, paused 3ms+2ms, total 24ms
D/OpenGLRenderer(22978): Enabling debug mode 0
D/CAM_PhotoModule(22978): Preview size changed.
I/CAM_ScreenNail(22978): preview layout size: 1200/1920
I/CAM_ScreenNail(22978): aspect ratio clamping disabled
I/GLRootView(22978): onSurfaceChanged: 1200x1920, gl10:
I/GLRootView(22978): layout content pane 1200x1920 (compensation 0)
D/PhotoView(22978): compensation = 0, CameraRelativeFrame = Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), mCameraRect = Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 36K, 2% free 11534K/11652K, paused 10ms, total 10ms
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_start_session: Enter
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_start_session: Exit successful
E/mm-camera( 205): is_module_get_port: Exit successful
I/dalvikvm-heap(22978): Grow heap (frag case) to 12.360MB for 1127536-byte allocation
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_start_session:246, info: starting session 1
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_thread_func:39: c2d_thread entering the polling loop...
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_start_session:284, info: c2d_thread created.
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_start_session:306, info: session 1 started.
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_create_msg_thread:202] E
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_create_msg_thread:224] X
E/mm-camera( 205): module_faceproc_query_mod:1296 Max Face ROI 2
E/mm-camera-img( 205): module_imglib_msg_thread:61] abort 0
E/mm-camera-img( 205): img_q_wait: before wait
E/mm-camera-intf( 187): mm_camera_open: opened, break out while loop
E/mm-camera-intf( 187): mm_stream_get_v4l2_fmt: Unknown fmt=77
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): buildFastInfo: Unknown override AE mode: 0
E/Camera2-Parameters( 187): Error finding static metadata entry '' (170000)
I/Camera2-Parameters( 187): Camera 0: ZSL mode disabled for limited mode HALs
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 1% free 12635K/12756K, paused 16ms, total 16ms
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_CONCURRENT freed 18K, 1% free 12777K/12856K, paused 1ms+3ms, total 17ms
D/dalvikvm(22978): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 11ms
I/ActivityManager( 535): Displayed 655ms
E/QCamera3HWI( 187): camera_metadata_t* qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::translateCapabilityToMetadata(int): Setting focus mode to auto
E/QCamera3HWI( 187): camera_metadata_t* qcamera::QCamera3HardwareInterface::translateCapabilityToMetadata(int): Setting focus mode to auto
V/CAM_PhotoModule(22978): Preview size is 640x480
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_CONCURRENT freed 87K, 1% free 13996K/14108K, paused 5ms+3ms, total 20ms
D/dalvikvm(22978): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 15ms
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 39K, 1% free 15187K/15312K, paused 11ms, total 11ms
V/CAM_PhotoModule(22978): Preview size is 640x480
I/CAM_ScreenNail(22978): aspect ratio clamping disabled
I/CAM_ScreenNail(22978): aspect ratio clamping enabled, surfaceTexture scale: 0.8333333, 1.0
I/GLRootView(22978): layout content pane 1200x1920 (compensation 0)
D/PhotoView(22978): compensation = 0, CameraRelativeFrame = Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), mCameraRect = Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
I/CAM_ScreenNail(22978): preview layout size: 1200/1920
I/CAM_ScreenNail(22978): aspect ratio clamping enabled, surfaceTexture scale: 0.8333333, 1.0
V/CAM_PhotoModule(22978): startPreview
E/mm-jpeg-intf( 187): mm_jpeg_init:1664] Launch jobmgr thread rc 0
E/qomx_image_core( 187): OMX_Init:84] Complete 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): port_sensor_caps_reserve:115 ide 10002 stream type 1 w*h 640*480
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): port_sensor_ext_link_func:184 ide 10002
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10002
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x10002, reserved
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_notify_add_stream:983] Rotation:0
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_notify_add_stream:1035, info: success, identity=0x10002
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_CONCURRENT freed 150K, 2% free 17018K/17196K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 21ms
D/dalvikvm(22978): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 19ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(22978): Grow heap (frag case) to 19.278MB for 2764816-byte allocation
I/QCamera3Stream( 187): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCamera3Stream::init(cam_stream_type_t, cam_format_t, cam_dimension_t, uint8_t, qcamera::stream_cb_routine, void*): disabling stream_cb for snapshot
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_stream_start_link: Regular snapshot
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): port_sensor_caps_reserve:115 ide 10003 stream type 3 w*h 2592*1944
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): port_sensor_ext_link_func:184 ide 10003
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_get_compatible_dest_port: Check link failed
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_get_compatible_dest_port: Check link failed
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_get_compatible_dest_port: Check link failed
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_get_compatible_dest_port: Check link failed
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_get_compatible_dest_port: Check link failed
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:77, identity=0x10003
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_port_check_caps_reserve:143, identity=0x10003, reserved
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_notify_add_stream:983] Rotation:0
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_notify_add_stream:1035, info: success, identity=0x10003
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 1% free 19716K/19900K, paused 16ms, total 16ms
D/dalvikvm(22978): GC_CONCURRENT freed 19K, 2% free 19696K/19900K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 19ms
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_event_control_set_parm:1028 CAM_INTF_PARM_LED_MODE 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205):
E/mm-camera( 205): stats_port_proc_downstream_set_parm AF ROI sent x: 0 ,y: 0 dx: 0 dy: 0, weight: 0
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_util_set_param_crop_region, no active stream yet
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 7
+D/QCamera3Channel( 187): virtual int32_t qcamera::QCamera3RegularChannel::request(const native_handle_t**, uint32_t): First request on this channel starting stream
D/QCameraHWI_Mem( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3GrallocMemory::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): idx = 0, fd = 69, size = 462848, offset = 0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3GrallocMemory::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): idx = 1, fd = 71, size = 462848, offset = 0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3GrallocMemory::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): idx = 2, fd = 73, size = 462848, offset = 0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3GrallocMemory::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): idx = 3, fd = 75, size = 462848, offset = 0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3GrallocMemory::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): idx = 4, fd = 77, size = 462848, offset = 0
D/QCameraHWI_Mem( 187): int qcamera::QCamera3GrallocMemory::registerBuffers(uint32_t, const native_handle_t***): idx = 5, fd = 79, size = 462848, offset = 0
E/mm-camera( 205): mct_pipeline_process_set: stream_type = 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_stream_on:562 ide 10002 SENSOR_START_STREAM
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_stream_on:756 SENSOR_SET_RESOLUTION 2592*1944 mask a
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): sensor_set_resolution:956 width 2592, height 1944
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): sensor_set_resolution:958 stream mask a hfr mode 0 fps 30.000000
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): sensor_set_resolution:1001 cur res 8 new res 0
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 2, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_sink_port_stream_config: session_id = 1, stream_id = 3, is_split = 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): persist_whitebalance_calibration:66 r_over_g_calib_factor = 0.984375
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205):
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): persist_whitebalance_calibration:67 b_over_g_calib_factor = 1.070312
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205):
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): persist_whitebalance_calibration:68 gr_over_gb_calib_factor = 1.000000
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205):
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_port_handle_control_event: AF not supported (yet)!
E/mm-camera( 205): af_util_update_focus_status: AF Status already updated to output!Return!
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): af_actuator_move_focus:132 error
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): af_actuator_move_focus:132 error
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_handle_streamon_event:768, identity=0x10002, stream-on done
E/mm-camera( 205): c2d_module_handle_streamon_event:789] failed chromatix_param is NULL
I/mm-camera( 205): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 30
I/mm-camera( 205): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 30
I/mm-camera( 205): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 30
I/mm-camera( 205): vfe_calc_fov: out1w = 2592, out1h = 1944, out2w = 640, out2h = 480
I/mm-camera( 205): vfe_calc_fov: demosaic first_p = 0, last_p = 2591, first_l = 0, last_l = 1943
I/mm-camera( 205): vfe_calc_fov: crop_factor = 4096, x=0, y=0, crop_out_x=2592, crop_out_y=1944
I/mm-camera( 205): main_scaler_config: ip_w=2592, ip_h=1944
I/mm-camera( 205): main_scaler_config: op_w=2592, op_h=1944
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_pipeline_start: 1250
I/mm-camera( 205): isp_fmt_to_pix_pattern: format 30
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_pipeline_reset_hist_dmi, Enter
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_pipeline_reset_hist_dmi, Enter
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_pipeline_reset_hist_dmi, Enter
E/mm-camera( 205): isp_axi_util_subscribe_v4l2_event: event_type = 0x8000100, is_subscribe = 1
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_stream_on:742 ide 10002 SENSOR_START_STREAM
E/mm-camera( 205): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): pca_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): wb_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): demosaic_set_params: param_id 6, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): demux_set_params: param_id 6, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): clf_set_params: param_id 6, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): mce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): sce_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): linearization_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): pca_rolloff_set_params: param_id is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): demosaic_set_params: param_id 8, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): demux_set_params: param_id 8, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera( 205): clf_set_params: param_id 8, is not supported in this module
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205): module_sensor_event_control_set_parm:1028 CAM_INTF_PARM_LED_MODE 0
E/mm-camera-sensor( 205):
E/mm-camera( 205): stats_port_proc_downstream_set_parm AF ROI sent x: 0 ,y: 0 dx: 0 dy: 0, weight: 0
I/mm-camera( 205): Zoom_DBG:fov_adjust_crop_window: out1w = 2592, out1h = 1944, out2w = 640, out2h = 480
I/mm-camera( 205): main_scaler_config: ip_w=2592, ip_h=1944
I/mm-camera( 205): main_scaler_config: op_w=2592, op_h=1944
Alexander Smorkalov wrote:
Your Manifest looks ok. I'm not able to analyze problem right now, but I return to it in the nearest future. Just one additional question, does new Nexux 7 have back camera?
1. You do not need to compile OpenCV Manager. It is a way of distribution for OpenCV. If you want to link with OpenCV from master branch you can do it statically or dinamicaly in run time by initDebug() method. See Android tutorial on for more details.
2. modules/androidcamera contains code for all libraries and thin wrapper for it to use it from OpenCV. Android camera libraries are built without exceptions and RTTY, so we have to use separate libraries-wrappers to fit interface differences on different Android versions and solve RTTY linking issues.
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 11 years ago
Issue was reproduced. Logcat output attached.
- File native_camera_nexus7_gen2.log added
Updated by Shulei Zhu over 11 years ago
wait for your good news.
Alexander Smorkalov wrote:
Issue was reproduced. Logcat output attached.
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Done
- Pull request set to