(wg) Need a new function for the CvBGStatModel code (Feature #32)
Currently in cvaux, there are 3 basic functions for CvBGStatModel:
cvCreateFGDStatModel //Creates a model
cvUpdateBGStatModel //Updates the model AND does fg,bg segmentation
cvReleaseBGStatModel //Destroys a model
We need another function:
cvDiffBGStatModel //Does fg, bg segmentation WITHOUT model update
I also think this function, for convenience, should allow control of the fg, bg using connected components.
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #32 from jet47/gpu-debayer-gray
gpu : sanity data for Bayer* -> Gray color conversion
Updated by Gary Bradski about 15 years ago
- Status deleted (
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
added learningRate flag to cvUpdateBGStatModel. Implemented for MoG model only for now, see bgfg_segm.cpp sample (r2968)
- Status set to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed