opencv memory problem (Bug #3041)
When I use create function to create a image over 10000*10000. The computer always report memory problem! Opencv is a good library in my mind, but it always has some memory problem when I use this library. It troubles many programers very.
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3041 from adrians:optimize_split
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 12 years ago
Please provide the info on HW/OS and the reproducing code.
- Start date deleted (
2013-05-24) - Assignee set to Fashuai Li
Updated by Vladislav Vinogradov over 11 years ago
Please provide more information about your system and error message, or I'll close this issue.
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Cancelled
- Target version set to 2.4.6