[cvBlobTrackerAuto] DefModule* : Expose parameter boundaries to avoid crash (Feature #3035)
I'm working with the cvBlobTrackerAuto and its modules.
I found no way to get module's parameters boundaries and sending unexpected value leads to crash.
Could it be possible to add a getParamBoundaries method ?
Or to clip parameter value on setParam ?
Kind regards
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3035 from ElenaGvozdeva:ocl_test_fix
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 12 years ago
The `cvBlobTrackerAuto` is a part of `legacy` module of OpenCV, it's not supported by OpenCV dev team.
So you or somebody else from community can make a pull request with the fix - we will merge it.
- Target version deleted (
2.4.6) - Category set to legacy, contrib
- Start date deleted (
2013-05-18) - Subject changed from DefModule* : Expose parameter boundaries to avoid crash to [cvBlobTrackerAuto] DefModule* : Expose parameter boundaries to avoid crash
- Assignee set to Antoine Villeret
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/issues/4573