Header location after make install (Bug #3020)
Using the latest release: 2.4.5. The header location is ok, i.e.,
But using the devel version (commit 14c50d2fce), the same header is in:
Is this the desired behavior? I couldn't figure out which commit breaks the installation.
In ubuntu 12.10:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../installed ..
make -j4 -l4 install
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #3020 from vpisarev:ocl_disable_more_funcs
Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 12 years ago
Vadim, could you give any comments about this problem?
- Assignee changed from Andrey Kamaev to Vadim Pisarevsky
Updated by Rob Spanton almost 12 years ago
I'm getting the same issue with today's HEAD: 416eaf2ae1
Results in compile fail like this:
/home/rob/tmp/opencv-install/include/opencv/cv.h:66:38: fatal error: opencv2/video/tracking_c.h: No such file or directory
Updated by Rob Spanton almost 12 years ago
After some git bisecting, I've found that the issue was introduced in either ad5cddc007 or a42a0f5fca
Updated by Rob Spanton almost 12 years ago
Rob Spanton wrote:
After some git bisecting, I've found that the issue was introduced in either ad5cddc007 or a42a0f5fca
I tell a lie. The issue isn't introduced in these -- this was a bug in my bisect script :/ These commits bring along a different error that was confusing my script.
Updated by Rob Spanton almost 12 years ago
Ok, after a bit more wrangling, I've found that it's actually 51706203 that introduces this problem.
Updated by Andrey Pavlenko almost 12 years ago
This is the expected behavior: we changed headers layout in the OpenCV vNext.
If you observe any problem except changed headers layout - please let us know.
- Start date deleted (
2013-05-13) - Status changed from Open to Cancelled
Updated by Mourad Boufarguine almost 12 years ago
I don't think this is an expected behaviour. Almost all the headers are installed outside of the opencv2 subfolder. Please take a look to the attached files tree of the include dir :
include | affine.hpp | allocator.h | all_indices.h | any.h | autocalib.hpp | autotuned_index.h | background_segm.hpp | base.hpp | blenders.hpp | blobtrack.hpp | block.hpp | border_interpolate.hpp | calib3d.hpp | calib3d_c.h | camera.hpp | cap_ios.h | color.hpp | color_detail.hpp | common.hpp | compat.hpp | composite_index.h | config.h | contrib.hpp | core.hpp | core_c.h | cuda_devptrs.hpp | cvdef.h | cvstd.hpp | cvstd.inl.hpp | datamov_utils.hpp | deblurring.hpp | defines.h | detection_based_tracker.hpp | devmem2d.hpp | dist.h | dummy.h | dynamic_bitset.h | dynamic_smem.hpp | eigen.hpp | emulation.hpp | exposure_compensate.hpp | fast_marching.hpp | fast_marching_inl.hpp | features2d.hpp | filters.hpp | flann.hpp | flann_base.hpp | frame_source.hpp | funcattrib.hpp | functional.hpp | general.h | global_motion.hpp | gpu.hpp | gpumat.hpp | gpu_perf.hpp | gpu_private.hpp | gpu_test.hpp | ground_truth.h | hdf5.h | heap.h | hierarchical_clustering_index.h | highgui.hpp | highgui_c.h | hybridtracker.hpp | imgproc.hpp | imgproc_c.h | index_testing.h | inpainting.hpp | kdtree_index.h | kdtree_single_index.h | kmeans_index.h | legacy.hpp | limits.hpp | linear_index.h | linemod.hpp | log.hpp | logger.h | lsh_index.h | lsh_table.h | mat.hpp | mat.inl.hpp | matchers.hpp | matrix.h | matx.hpp | miniflann.hpp | ml.hpp | motion_core.hpp | motion_estimators.hpp | motion_stabilizing.hpp | nn_index.h | nonfree.hpp | objdetect.hpp | objdetect_c.h | object_factory.h | ocl.hpp | opencv_include_tree.txt | openfabmap.hpp | opengl.hpp | operations.hpp | optical_flow.hpp | outlier_rejection.hpp | params.h | persistence.hpp | photo.hpp | photo_c.h | private.hpp | random.h | reduce.hpp | reduce_key_val.hpp | result_set.h | retina.hpp | ring_buffer.hpp | sampling.h | saturate_cast.hpp | saving.h | scan.hpp | seam_finders.hpp | simd_functions.hpp | simplex_downhill.h | softcascade.hpp | stabilizer.hpp | stitching.hpp | streams.hpp | stream_accessor.hpp | superres.hpp | timer.h | tracking.hpp | tracking_c.h | traits.hpp | transform.hpp | transform_detail.hpp | ts.hpp | ts_gtest.h | ts_perf.hpp | types.hpp | types_c.h | type_traits.hpp | type_traits_detail.hpp | util.hpp | utility.hpp | util_inl.hpp | vec_distance.hpp | vec_distance_detail.hpp | vec_math.hpp | vec_traits.hpp | version.hpp | video.hpp | videostab.hpp | warp.hpp | warpers.hpp | warpers_inl.hpp | warp_reduce.hpp | warp_shuffle.hpp | wimage.hpp | wobble_suppression.hpp | +---opencv | cv.h | cv.hpp | cvaux.h | cvaux.hpp | cvwimage.h | cxcore.h | cxcore.hpp | cxeigen.hpp | cxmisc.h | highgui.h | ml.h | \---opencv2 opencv.hpp opencv_modules.hpp