Mourad Boufarguine

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-05-22


Reported issues: 3


10:44 am OpenCV Bug #3020 (Cancelled): Header location after make install
I don't think this is an expected behaviour. Almost all the headers are installed outside of the opencv2 subfolder. P...


12:05 pm OpenCV Bug #2197 (Cancelled): opencv 2.4.2 with qt (4.8.0) support crashing at namedwindow
It's related to
12:04 pm OpenCV Bug #2324 (Done): highgui CMakeLists.txt: ocv_list_unique makes for incorrect linking
Any update on this issue? This is a grave bug affecting the 2.4.2 version of OpenCV, I hope it get fixed soon.


12:32 am OpenCV Bug #1339 (Done): Finding OpenNI in windows 64bit
Replying to [comment:3 arman]:
> unanancyowen's patch can not find OPENNI_INLCUDE_DIR (C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Inc...


02:52 am OpenCV Bug #1339 (Done): Finding OpenNI in windows 64bit


02:24 pm OpenCV Feature #1072 (Done): Reading *.oni OpenNI files
Replying to "bouffa":/issues/show/1072:
> Hi,
> It would be great if it's possible to read OpenNI files (*.oni) wi...
02:04 pm OpenCV Feature #1072 (Done): Reading *.oni OpenNI files


04:01 pm OpenCV Feature #526 (Done): Bug in calcHist when accumulate flag is set to true

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