VideoCapture crashes opening wrong IP address (Bug #2785)
I found a problem in VideoCapture used with IP Cameras.
When i try to open a "wrong" IP (e.g. the camera is not connected to the network) the "open" function crashes instead of returning "false".
Debugging the application I noticed those fact:
- GStreamer report this error: [tcp @ 0x7a9580] TCP connection to failed: No route to host
- the function crashes in file "cap_gstreamer.cpp" calling "gst_caps_unref(caps);" with a SEGMENTATION FAULT
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #2785 from akarsakov:ocl_pyrDown_borders
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov about 12 years ago
Walter, thank you for both reports, but I have to inform you that IP camera support is a low priority for the OpenCV project... At the same time both issues are not looking as difficult ones, so if you're ready to work on a fix, that would help a lot! Please note, that better to target fixes to the '2.4' branch, and patches are accepted as GitHub pull requests.
Updated by Walter Lucetti about 12 years ago
Kirill, I'm going to work at the patches because I think that it is really important that the functionality are the same for each kind of sensor we can use with OpenCV.
OpenCV is going to gain a lot of importance in videosurveillance applications and I think that a full support to IP Cameras could improve its diffusion in this field.
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov about 12 years ago
Walter, actually I'm totally agree with you. In one of may past projects we had to "manually" communicate with IP camera, because OpenCV didn't provide support for them. So, this feature would be useful for many projects, and it would be great if you could help with that, while OpenCV team is cooking the next release.
- Assignee changed from Vadim Pisarevsky to Walter Lucetti
Updated by Walter Lucetti about 12 years ago
Kirill, I'm almost done with the patch. How can I "commit" it when I am ready?
I saw that there are the "pull request", but I did not find instruction about how to do it.
Updated by Anna Kogan about 12 years ago
Hello Walter,
Our GitHub repo is If you forked you repo from it (see, you just push the branch with the fix in your GitHub fork (when you think it's ready to go in OpenCV). Here you will find "Pull request" button. You can get more information there: OpenCV has smart pull request system:, so you're welcome! =)
Updated by Anna Kogan about 12 years ago
Here is a full description of contributing process:
Updated by Walter Lucetti about 12 years ago
Thank you Anna
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: