Enable FFMPEG instead of XINE? (Bug #2730)
Hi, all:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
OpenCV: 2.4.3 release
Trying to grab images out from Foscam IP cameras.
code patch is posted:
cv::VideoCapture camera;
Error message obtained:
*io_helper: I/O error: No route to host
(ERROR)icvOpenAVI_XINE(): Unable to open source ''
It seems there is priority to look for functions inside file cvcap_xine.cpp, instead of cvcap_ffmpeg.cpp ? Maybe my brain is a kind of messy, but IMO, ffmpeg should be powerful enough to stream the data over Internet. By the way, besides, cvcap_ffmpeg.cpp, there is also cvcap_gstreamer.cpp ...
Is there a way for us to specify which tool is to be used to open the VideoCapture ? For example, I prefer using ffmpeg, or gstreamer, rather than xine?
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #2730 from StevenPuttemans:bug_2740
Updated by Maria Dimashova about 12 years ago
- Description changed from Hi, all: Environment: OS: Ubuntu 12.04 OpenCV: 2.4.3 release Trying to gra... to Hi, all: Environment: OS: Ubuntu 12.04 OpenCV: 2.4.3 release Trying to grab... More
- Category changed from imgproc, video to highgui-camera
Updated by Maria Dimashova about 12 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/issues/4496