GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_GPU fails when no corners found. (Bug #2581)
In GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_GPU::operator() corners are (1) first found by computing locations with minimal eigenvalues and then (2) filtered according to a cell grid to force a minimal distance between feature points.
Step (2) is only executed if the 'minDistance' parameter is >= 1.
A uniform-colored image would cause no corners to be found. If step (2) is executed when no corners were found, this function fails (debug assertion is triggered) when executing the line:
Mat tmpMat(1, total, CV_32FC2, (void*)&tmp[0]);
Associated revisions
fixed Bug #2581
GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector_GPU fails when no corners found
Merge pull request #2581 from vbystricky:ipp_moments
Updated by Vladislav Vinogradov over 12 years ago
- Category set to gpu (cuda)
- Assignee set to Vladislav Vinogradov
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 12 years ago
Going to be fixed in
- Target version set to 2.4.4
Updated by Vladislav Vinogradov over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Done
Updated by Evgeny Talanin over 12 years ago
- Pull request set to
Updated by Andrey Kamaev about 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.4.4 to