gpu::orb cannot be used (Bug #2390)
I tested gpu::surf
, it works well
And I tried the orb, then an error happened.
(the error is shown in the image)
Here are my codes
{ GpuMat img1; img1.upload(imread("d:\\danger.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)); ORB_GPU orb; GpuMat keypoints1GPU; GpuMat descriptors1GPU; orb(img1,descriptors1GPU, keypoints1GPU); waitKey(0); }
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #2390 from nicolasmartin3d:master_bug3546
Updated by Vladislav Vinogradov over 12 years ago
Could you attach your image? Maybe it's too small.
- Assignee changed from Anatoly Baksheev to Vladislav Vinogradov
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 12 years ago
David, please format your code as a code
- Description changed from Hi! I tested gpu::surf, it works well And I tried the orb,then an error happ... to Hi! I tested @gpu::surf@, it works well And I tried the orb, then an error h... More
Updated by Vladislav Vinogradov over 12 years ago
The signature of ORB function is
void ORB_GPU::operator()(const GpuMat& image, const GpuMat& mask, GpuMat& keypoints, GpuMat& descriptors);
So you should use
orb(img1, mask, keypoints1GPU, descriptors1GPU);
- Status changed from Open to Cancelled