imshow segmentation fault with python matplotlib (Bug #2211)
Simply importing matplotlib or any module that uses matplotlib will cause cv2.imshow() to SegFault : From iPython terminal
In [3]: import cv2
In [4]: cv2.__version__
Out4: '2.4.2'
In [5]: import cv
In [6]: import numpy as np
In [7]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Comment this line and it works
In [8]: img=cv.LoadImageM('logo.png')
In [9]: cv2.imshow('lena',np.asarray(img))@
Segmentation fault
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #2211 from SpecLad:merge-2.4
Updated by Daniil Osokin over 12 years ago
Which version of OpenCV do you use? Please, attach file with source code, where you found a bug, and image to reproduce this.
- Assignee changed from Vadim Pisarevsky to Phil Osteen
Updated by Daniil Osokin over 12 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Updated by Phil Osteen over 12 years ago
Using %paste magic function in an ipython terminal should be able to load the commands, but here's the image and code to go along with it.
As shown in the post, this is using version 2.4.2
Updated by Phil Osteen over 12 years ago
This does affect a good deal of code as well, since many python apps reference matplotlib
Updated by Philipp Wagner over 12 years ago
Can't reproduce with the latest OpenCV revision, NumPy 1.6.2 and matplotlib 1.1.1. Did you try the latest releases of NumPy and matplotlib?
Updated by Phil Osteen over 12 years ago
Ok looks like you are correct, I had new version of opencv but not numpy (1.5.1) or matplotlib (1.1.0). Testing on another system with up-to-date versions worked. Thanks.
Updated by Daniil Osokin over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Done
Updated by Andrey Kamaev over 12 years ago
Changing status to cancelled because nothing were changed on OpenCV side.
- Status changed from Done to Cancelled
- Target version set to 2.4.3
- Assignee changed from Phil Osteen to Daniil Osokin
Updated by Andrey Kamaev over 12 years ago
- Category changed from highgui-images to python bindings