Name collision in cxcore/cxdxt.cpp - log2() (Feature #218)
I'm trying to cross compile opencv 2.0 with the CodeSourcery09Q3lite compiler.
I found a naming collision in the "cxdxt.cpp" for the log2-function. The compiler seems to bring his own log2-function/macro which will result in an error.
Simply renaming the function to i.e. "_cvlog2()" solves the problem.
To make it more comprehensible for you, I attached a message that I send to the devel-mailinglist few minutes ago which describes the configuring and compiling process of mine
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #218 from taka-no-me:drop_utf16
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
fixed in r2916
- Status changed from Open to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed