Unblock main thread in Android samples (Patch #2090)
Alexander, could you please consider this change for 2.4.2?
Hi Kirill,
Are the NDK sample programs (Sample 3 "Native" and Sample 4 "Mixed") that come with OpenCV4Android still the recommended way to write Android OpenCV apps (for regular users), or are they being deprecated? For my book I have written an Android app that is based on Sample 3, and since my app is very slow (around 0.3 FPS), I realized that the NDK samples block the main UI thread while the background processing is being done (even though it has a background thread!). This doesn't matter for fast apps but if someone wants to do some heavy processing on the camera feed, then it is a problem. I modified "SampleViewBase.java" so that it doesn't block the main thread while the image is processing, and I'm happy to submit it to you guys to replace the one in Sample 3 and Sample 4. But since I'm not too familiar with the Android Camera, someone with more experience of the camera system should verify that my code is OK.
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 12 years ago
- File SampleViewBase.java added
Updated by Kirill Kornyakov over 12 years ago
- Target version set to 2.4.3
Updated by Alexander Smorkalov over 12 years ago
Nothing to do. All samples have already processed data in a separate thread.
- Status changed from Open to Done