GPF in cvmorph.cpp line 660 intermittently seen on win32 when running cvtest.exe -- using r2873 and previous versions (Bug #209)
I have seen this GPF intermittently on win32 when running the test program cvtest.exe. I have not seen this on win64, linux32 or linux64.
In the struct MorphRowFilter code
for( j = cn; j < _ksize; j += cn )
m = op(m, s[j]); <=== Line 660, GPF happens here
The GPF looks like some type of stack/memory corruption of variables passed to the function. When this GPF occurs, I generally see a very large number in variable 'cn' (98219946 this evening) when the var _ksize = 30 .
I replicated this tonight with r2873; I also have seen this using r2670. I was able to get someone else to replicate this on a different computer using r2670.
I am using Visual Studio 2008 with VS2008 SP1, on WinXP Pro.
Updated by Scott Callaway almost 15 years ago
I replicated this GPF again.
This time cn = 103523522 and _ksize = 12 and i= 1430. Based on how the loops are constructed, it does not make sense how cn is getting such a large value. When I run through the debugger, 'cn' does not have numbers this large except when a GPF occurs.
I am seeing several exceptions in the debugger like the one below, but I have not yet tracked down when these exceptions are being thrown -- may not be related to this issue.
First-chance exception at 0x7c812afb in cvtest.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x00e6efec..
I will spend a little more time tracking down details on this on Monday (tomorrow).
Updated by Scott Callaway almost 15 years ago
Relicated GPF again using cvtest.exe
I modified the fcn 'operator()' were the GPF occurs to take a snapshot of the initial value of 'cn' when the function is entered.
For this GPF, 'cn' = 124279604 BUT initial_cn = 3
NOTE: 'cn' is always a rval in this fcn and is never assigned to.
This seems like this could be something like: a compiler optimization bug or a memory corruption issue in OpenCV, etc.
void operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* dst, int width, int cn)
static int initial_cn = cn; //+Initial value for cn
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
when you observe the crash again, please, write down the seed value (it's 16-digit hexadecimal number displayed in square brackets). It hopefully will help us to reproduce the problem
Updated by Scott Callaway almost 15 years ago
The 'seed' and related info is below -- from running cvtest.exe
morph-dilate: .............................................
'cn' => 99434612 ; _ksize => 18 ; width => 981 ; initial_cn => 1 (my static var)
Unhandled exception at 0x00fa4a3c (cv210.dll) in cvtest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x05ed5000.
The full command line parameters are listed below:
cvtest.exe -r -d C:\tmp\ms_build_test\opencv_2_2873\opencv_extra\testdata\cv
I can update this with other GPF information as it occurs. I'll also upload the slightly modified cvmorph.cpp file I am using -- the only change is that I added "static int initial_cn = cn;" at the beginning of the function.
Updated by Scott Callaway almost 15 years ago
Another 2 GPFs occured on same line in cvmorph.cpp --> "m = op(m, s[j]);"
seed listed below -- the test dies here despite the '-r' command line paramater
[0a8cf6c6b706b191] ==> release build
morph-dilate: .................................
'cn' => 50668044 ; _ksize => 12 ; width => 885 ; initial_cn => 1 (my static var)
Unhandled exception at 0x00fa4a3c (cv210.dll) in cvtest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x03053000.
[508081a9bb0b286d] ==> debug build
morph-dilate: .................
'cn' => 3 ; _ksize => 21; width => 153 ; initial_cn => 1 (my static var)
Unhandled exception at 0x011645de (cv210d.dll) in cvtestd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x04175000.
When I configured with cMake, both IPP and OpenMP were turned off.
I am using a core2 e8400 cpu with 4 Gigs ram to build and test.
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
the problem was likely eliminated in r2995 (and, consequently, in OpenCV 2.1.0). Please, try it out.
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