solvePnPRansac and the inliers (Feature #2026)
Normally when dealing with algorithms using Ransac (findHomography/Fundamental and so on), the functions returns a mask (vector or Mat) of uchar containing 0 or 255, and of the same size of the input data.
On the other hand solvePnPRansac return a vector of int with the indices of the inliers. Why is it so? Wouldn't be better to uniform this and make the function return a vector/matrix of uchar like all the other functions of the same kind?
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #2026 from pemmanuelviel:giveFurthestPoint
Updated by Simone Gasparini almost 13 years ago
Also, I see that rvec and tvec are created as 64FC1 matrix. This is a bit not consistent with the fact that as input the function is requiring vectors of Point2f/Point3f or Mat 32FCx containing points. Isn't it better to give as output something with the same depth as the input?
Updated by Maksim Shabunin over 9 years ago
Issue has been transferred to GitHub: