WarpPerspective: add some mirrors of the input image (Bug #195)
the output image contains the warped input image and a lot of its mirrors when using linear interpolation. this problem does not appears with cubic interpolation.
sample code:
void bugFunction() { CvMat *mat = cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_32FC1); //fill the homography matrix mat->data.flr0 = 1.04956; mat->data.flr1 = -0.75147; mat->data.flr2 = 299.216; mat->data.flr3 = 0.96346; mat->data.flr4 = 0.795854; mat->data.flr5 = 454.582; mat->data.flr6 = 0.000338058; mat->data.flr7 = -1.03816e-005; mat->data.flr8 =1; IplImage *imIn = cvCreateImage(cvSize(104,32),8,3); IplImage *imOut = cvCreateImage(cvSize(1024,768),8,3); //draw something onto the input image cvZero(imIn); cvDrawCircle(imIn,cvPoint(20,15),5,cvScalar(255,0,0),-1); //set the output image white cvSet(imOut,cvScalar(255,255,255)); IplImage *imOut2 = cvCloneImage(imOut); //that's where the problem is cvWarpPerspective(imIn,imOut,mat,CV_INTER_LINEAR);//do some mirroring ? cvWarpPerspective(imIn,imOut2,mat,CV_INTER_CUBIC);//or CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS works also as expected //show the expected result cvNamedWindow("nobugwin"); cvShowImage("nobugwin",imOut2); //show the non expected result cvNamedWindow("bugwin"); cvShowImage("bugwin",imOut); cvWaitKey(100000); }
running with windows vista 32 bits, visual studio 2008 sp1, IPP enabled.
Associated revisions
Merge pull request #195 from vpisarev/inv3x3_fix
now invert 3x3 on "bad" matrices works well on Windows
Updated by anonymous - almost 15 years ago
the problem is likely fixed in r2975. see #245.
If the problem is still there, please, reopen the ticket.
- Status changed from Open to Done
- (deleted custom field) set to fixed