cxcore test fails (Bug #113)

Added by Anatoly Baksheev about 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Status:Done Start date:
Priority:High Due date:
Assignee:Vadim Pisarevsky % Done:


Category:imgproc, video
Target version:-
Affected version: Operating System:
Difficulty: HW Platform:
Pull request:


1) CMake 2.6.2 gcc-4.1 Release OpenMP=Off SSE=Off

matrix-solve: .................... FAIL(Bad accuracy)
Too big difference (=0.0501073) in output array 0 at (1,0)
input array 0 type=32fC1, size=(58,58)
input array 1 type=32fC1, size=(77,58)
ref output array 0 type=32fC1, size=(77,58)
context: test case = 42, seed = 5043a547d8945a37

2) CMake 2.6.2 gcc-4.2 Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=Off

matrix-invert: ..... FAIL(Bad accuracy)
Too big difference (=0.0879885) in output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=32fC1, size=(39,39)
ref output array 0 type=32fC1, size=(39,39)
context: test case = 10, seed = 14cd8e05d7b1a3e5

3) CMake 2.6.2 gcc-3.4 Release OpenMP=Off SSE=On

rand: FAIL(Invalid function output)
RNG output depends on the array lengths (some generated numbers get lost?)context: test case = 1, seed = dc5cdb714da17965

4) CMake 2.6.2 gcc-3.4 Release OpenMP=Off SSE=Off

rand: . FAIL(Invalid function output)
RNG output depends on the array lengths (some generated numbers get lost?)context: test case = 5, seed = c0c7e3c70a958bb6

Associated revisions

Revision cfc76727
Added by Roman Donchenko about 11 years ago

Merge pull request #113 from ilya-lavrenov:tapi_channels


Updated by Anatoly Baksheev about 15 years ago

5) Windows. CMake 2.6.2 MinGW 3.4.5 Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On

rand: ....................... FAIL

RNG failed 10-dim sphere volume test (got 1.9712 instead of 2.55016)
context: test case = 82, seed = 6071155824db5b6c

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 15 years ago

6) Ubuntu64
CMake 2.6.2 (or 2.8.0) Ubuntu64 gcc4.1(or 4.3) OpenMP=Off(or On) SSE=On
matrix-covar: ........ FAIL

Too big difference (=1.7792e-05) in input/output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=32fC1, size=(12,1)
input/output array 0 type=32fC1, size=(1,1)
ref output array 0 type=32fC1, size=(1,1)
context: test case = 16, seed = 16b3da2987b13ab2

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 15 years ago

7)Ubuntu32 CMake 2.6.2 gcc4.1 Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=Off
matrix-dotproduct: ................... [31mFAIL(Bad accuracy)
Too big difference (=5.50428e-11) in output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=64fC4, size=(288,6)
input array 1 type=64fC4, size=(288,6)
ref output array 0 type=64fC1, size=(4,1)
context: test case = 219, seed = 5aa00b0d5c3155e9

8)Ubuntu32 CMake 2.6.2 Release gcc3.4 OpenMP=Off SSE=On/Off
[3d8cb1fdcbdbeb9c] / [40cb691f80338d47]
rand: [31mFAIL(Invalid function output)
RNG output depends on the array lengths (some generated numbers get lost?)context: test case = 0, seed = 3d8cb1fdcbdbeb9c

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 15 years ago

Windows32 Cmake 2.6

9) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
arithm-absdiffs: FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in output array 0 at (1,0)
input array 0 type=16uC3, size=(5,105)
ref output array 0 type=16uC3, size=(5,105)
context: test case = 1, seed = 3ebc78c216d348f9

10) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
arithm-add: . FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in input/output array 0 at (4,0)
input array 0 type=16sC4, size=(3,2)
input array 1 type=16sC4, size=(3,2)
input/output array 0 type=16sC4, size=(3,2)
context: test case = 5, seed = 279ffed96da086ac

11) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
arithm-adds: FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in input/output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=16sC1, size=(14,75)
input/output array 0 type=16sC1, size=(14,75)
context: test case = 0, seed = 04efc724d9e6b6f6

12) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
arithm-sub: FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in input/output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=16sC3, size=(216,345)
input array 1 type=16sC3, size=(216,345)
input/output array 0 type=16sC3, size=(216,345)
context: test case = 1, seed = 3633ba80379b23a7

13) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
arithm-subrs: FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in input/output array 0 at (7,0)
input array 0 type=32sC2, size=(12,288)
input/output array 0 type=32sC2, size=(12,288)
mask array 0 type=8uC1, size=(12,288)
context: test case = 2, seed = 210b0b1885a54471

14) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
cvt-scale: ...... FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in output array 0 at (24,0)
input array 0 type=32sC2, size=(60,30)
ref output array 0 type=16sC2, size=(60,30)
context: test case = 59, seed = 253819c67ecf4ce3

15) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
math-polar2cart: FAIL

Too big difference (=1.7658e-005) in output array 1 at (10,0)
input array 0 type=32fC3, size=(6,7)
input array 1 type=32fC3, size=(6,7)
ref output array 1 type=32fC3, size=(6,7)
context: test case = 1, seed = 330d6dfab7721dad

16) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
math-pow: FAIL

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (depth CV_32F || depth CV_64F) in unknown function, file ..\..\..\src\opencv\src\cxcore\cxmathfuncs.cpp, line 1528
context: test case = 1, seed = 564f772cb5165ecf

17) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
matrix-sort: FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=32sC1, size=(2,1)
ref output array 0 type=32sC1, size=(2,1)
ref output array 1 type=32sC1, size=(2,1)
context: test case = 1, seed = 68d71adbe9e19113

18) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
matrix-symm: FAIL

Too big difference (=1) in output array 0 at (3,0)
input array 0 type=32sC1, size=(247,247)
ref output array 0 type=32sC1, size=(247,247)
context: test case = 1, seed = 41115bf0bb071329

19) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
nd-array-ops: FAIL

one of cvSetReal3D, cvSetRealND, cvSet3D, cvSetND or the corresponding Get functions is not correct
context: test case = -1, seed = 4758e5b0ffd94770

20) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
operations: FAIL

(~maskMat1) != (maskMat1 ^ -1) at l.213
context: test case = -1, seed = 4758e5b0ffd94770

21) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
stat-norm: FAIL

Too big difference (=0.0016392) in output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=8uC2, size=(61,381)
input array 1 type=8uC2, size=(61,381)
ref output array 0 type=64fC1, size=(1,1)
context: test case = 1, seed = 4f1b9c3b06dd37de

22) VS2008 Release/Debug OpenMP=Off SSE=On
rand: ..................................... FAIL

RNG failed Chi-square test (got 0.222232 vs probable maximum 0.09488) on channel 3/4
context: test case = 131, seed = fa4c5a0ecfec1176

Updated by Alexander Shishkov almost 15 years ago

Windows64 Cmake 2.8

23) VS2008 Release OpenMP=On SSE=Off/On
dxt-dct: . FAIL

Too big difference (=0.126465) in output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=64fC1, size=(138,1)
ref output array 0 type=64fC1, size=(138,1)
context: test case = 5, seed = 37b03d1b1491cc06

24) VS2008 Release OpenMP=On SSE=Off/On
dxt-dft: FAIL

Too big difference (=0.0934389) in output array 0 at (0,0)
input array 0 type=32fC1, size=(290,9)
ref output array 0 type=32fC2, size=(290,9)
context: test case = 0, seed = 0138a2f0bc7d5990

25) VS2008 Release OpenMP=On SSE=Off
pca: FAIL

bad accuracy of project() (CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW); err = 1.262787
context: test case = -1, seed = 3b24abc1829579fc

Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky almost 15 years ago

failures in matrix-solve & matrix-inv tests are likely solved, it was not a bug in the functions, rather than too high expected accuracy in the case of poorly conditioned matrices => I fixed the test.

some of the recent failures seem to originate from too high expected accuracy too, as well as the rounding errors in scalars ((=1) max errors in absdiffs, adds etc.). Will likely need to round the scalars before calling the functions on integer arrays.

  • Status deleted (Open)

Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky almost 15 years ago

most of the failures on Windows have been eliminated after fixing cvRound().

Updated by anonymous - over 14 years ago

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Updated by Vadim Pisarevsky over 14 years ago

Fixed sometime ago. GCC 3.4 support has been dropped.

  • Status set to Done
  • (deleted custom field) set to fixed

Updated by anonymous - over 14 years ago

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